Direktori Lokasi di Indonesia

drg. Gandhi Rijantho, Sp. Ort

Jember, Jawa Timur
Klasifikasi: Rumah Sakit dan Dokter
Alamat: Jl. R.A. Kartini No.10, Kp. Using, Jemberlor, Kec. Patrang, Kabupaten Jember, Jawa Timur 68131, Indonesia
Rating: 4.00
Telp: +62 331 486721

Komentar :

utomo sel (07/10/2020 20:32)
bersih, siapa cepat dia dapat (sistem booking hari itu juga)
hslnya bagus dan saya menjamin

ammi (01/08/2020 06:25)
special on behel, teeth care . no appointment (who come first, first served)

Nur Wahid (09/07/2020 02:49)
In the past my teeth were very messy, damaged and there were many problems between them
1. Gangsul teeth
2. Too many teeth (wobbling factor)
3. The upper and lower jaw can not stick (bite), and finally I stir at the Dental specialist doctor, Dr. Gandhi, after I put braces (stirrup) at the Doctor Gandhi Alhamdulillah the results are very satisfying bangetttsssssss principally no loss when doing dental treatment at the doctor Gandhi.

anatha jun (08/07/2020 02:29)
Clean, skilled doctor, The result is good. the lack are the doctor talkative, rude proccessing and little bit expensive

Cantika Kirana (11/12/2019 10:59)
Pasang kawat disini gak dilihat masalah giginya kayak gimana, gak ditinjau keadaan giginya. I have crowded tooth, parah !! gigiku berantakan banget, seharusnya kalo mau dipasangin bracket ditinjau dulu pake foto ronsen, tapi disini engggak, main langsung dipasang kawat giginya. Bahkan gigi yang berlubang nggak diperbaiki dulu, gigi nggak dibersihkan dulu. Gak ada konsultasi sama sekali langsung eksekusi.

2nd appointments : waktu aku tanya, "dok nanti gerak giginya ini gimana?" (Karena aku tidak melihat ada perubahan apapun di gigiku, ya karena baru 2 minggu, sepertinya) Dan dokternya menjawab "ya pokok gerak" what????!! Oh hello!! Selain itu, 2nd appointments ini bener2 cuma ganti karet, gak ada pembersihan giginya sama sekali! Padahal kan kita tau, gigi yg di bracket haruslah rutin dibersihkan.

Saya benar2 memberikan review yang saya alami sendiri disini, jadi bukan berniat menjelekkan hanya karena persaingan. Tapi yg jelas, sangat rugi jika biaya behel >9jt tapi yang didapat gak sesuai standar orthodontist.

pranata indra (07/12/2019 22:35)
spesial orthodontist. teliti dan hslnya lumayan

Muhammad Alwi (26/10/2019 07:51)
So bad :(

cak mulyadi (15/05/2019 00:55)
never been go there. it has been said the result was good

Untung Sugianto (30/12/2018 13:03)
Dokter keluarga dari saya kecil. Oke dan secara tindakan beliau berusaha memberikan hasil efektif dan efisien (tidak banyak kembali untuk kontrol). Tambalan gigi bagus dan bertahan lebih dari 10 tahun.

TheHardien . (18/10/2017 03:08)
(-) Negative review :
I had a high expectation and was quite convinced the first time I came as I had not really good experience with my previous dentist in filling my tooth hole. But then I found that the result wasn't quite good. I felt a bit pain when using my filling-tooth to chew food. I came back and he took (probably) the easiest way by giving prescription for antibiotic medicine and other medicine that quiet expensive...almost like the fee for working on my tooth! I decided not to buy the medicines.
Though Mr. Gandhi is very talkactive, he explains less about tooth/teeth condition and other things connected to its problem solving.

(+) positive review :
The examination room and the waiting room are clean, tidy, and nice. The tools also look hygienic.

Additional information of prices :
> Filling tooth hole: IDR 200.000 - 250.000
> Cleaning teeth: IDR 250.000

kurniawan deddy (23/02/2019 16:45)
ada rupa, ada harga. tambalan kuat , dgn harga yang WOW

TheHardien (18/10/2017 03:08)
(-) Negative review :
I had a high expectation and was quite convinced the first time I came as I had not really good experience with my previous dentist in filling my tooth hole. But then I found that the result wasn't quite good. I felt a bit pain when using my filling-tooth to chew food. I came back and he took (probably) the easiest way by giving prescription for antibiotic medicine and other medicine that quiet expensive...almost like the fee for working on my tooth! I decided not to buy the medicines.
Though Mr. Gandhi is very talkactive, he explains less about tooth/teeth condition and other things connected to its problem solving.

(+) positive review :
The examination room and the waiting room are clean, tidy, and nice. The tools also look hygienic.

Additional information of prices :
> Filling tooth hole: IDR 200.000 - 250.000
> Cleaning teeth: IDR 250.000

Candra Kharisma (28/09/2017 14:05)
Unprofessional orthodontist I think !! Mentang2 pasiennya udah banyak jadi ngawur ngehadapi pasien baru. Pasang kawat disini gak dilihat masalah giginya kayak gimana, gak ditinjau keadaan giginya. I have crowded tooth, parah !! gigiku berantakan banget, seharusnya kalo mau dipasangin bracket ditinjau dulu pake foto ronsen, tapi disini engggak, main langsung dipasang kawat giginya. Bahkan gigi yang berlubang nggak diperbaiki dulu, gigi nggak dibersihkan dulu. Gak ada konsultasi sama sekali langsung eksekusi. Sangat tidak sesuai standar SOP orthodontist

2nd appointments : waktu aku tanya, "dok nanti gerak giginya ini gimana?" (Karena aku tidak melihat ada perubahan apapun di gigiku, ya karena baru 2 minggu, sepertinya) Dan dokternya menjawab "ya pokok gerak" what????!! Oh hello!! Selain itu, 2nd appointments ini bener2 cuma ganti karet, gak ada pembersihan giginya sama sekali! Padahal kan kita tau, gigi yg di bracket haruslah rutin dibersihkan.

Saya benar2 memberikan review yang saya alami sendiri disini, jadi bukan berniat menjelekkan hanya karena persaingan. Tapi yg jelas, sangat rugi jika biaya behel >9jt tapi yang didapat gak sesuai standar orthodontist.

Tempat Lainnya :

  1. Faris Dental
    Jalan Hayam Wuruk No.36, Kaliwates, Gerdu, Sempusari, Kaliwates, Kabupaten Jember, Jawa Timur 68131, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 852-3080-1777
  2. Praktek Dr. Gunawan
    Jl. Trunojoyo Jl. Kauman No.73, Kauman, Kepatihan, Kec. Kaliwates, Kabupaten Jember, Jawa Timur 68131, Indonesia
  3. Dental Solution
    JL Karimata, No. 78, Sumbersari, Gumuk Kerang, Sumbersari, Jember, Kabupaten Jember, Jawa Timur 68121, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 852-3656-0157
  4. Smiles
    Jl. Balung - Ambulu, Tanjungsari, Glundengan, Wuluhan, Kabupaten Jember, Jawa Timur 68162, Indonesia
  5. F.Fatahillah Ahli Gigi Behel
    Jl. Hayam Wuruk No.43, Gerdu, Kaliwates, Kabupaten Jember, Jawa Timur 68131, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 852-3080-1777
  6. Dokter Gigi Cicik Abidah
    Jl. Wijaya Kusuma, Tegal Besar Wetan, Tegal Besar, Kaliwates, Kabupaten Jember, Jawa Timur 68131, Indonesia
  7. Rudy Joelijanto
    Jl. Bengawan Solo No.10, Kp. Using, Sumbersari, Kabupaten Jember, Jawa Timur 68121, Indonesia
  8. Dokter Gigi Zainul Cholid Spbm
    Jl. Kh. Wahid Hasyim, Kebondalem, Kepatihan, Kec. Kaliwates, Kabupaten Jember, Jawa Timur 68131, Indonesia
  9. drg Qoidatul K. Muhajirin
    Serut, Panti, Jember Regency, East Java 68153, Indonesia
  10. Dokter Gigi Hendro Sebadja
    Jl. Trunojoyo, Kauman, Kepatihan, Kaliwates, Kabupaten Jember, Jawa Timur 68131, Indonesia
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