Direktori Lokasi di Indonesia

MPM Motor Kebonsari Jember

Jember, Jawa Timur
Klasifikasi: Toko
Alamat: Jl. Letjend Suprapto No.154, Lingkungan Krajan, Kebonsari, Kec. Sumbersari, Kabupaten Jember, Jawa Timur 68122, Indonesia
Rating: 1.00
Telp: +62 331 333999
Jam Operasional:
Monday: 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Thursday: 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday: 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Saturday: 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Sunday: 7:00 AM – 3:00 PM

Komentar :

aliza (26/10/2020 22:42)
can booking service, but booking via "whatsApp" not respond

cik mey (23/10/2020 22:33)
The service is slow and they have to add more the mechanic. I always wait for a long time

lie t (19/09/2020 08:08)
complicated in the process of purchasing

nataliia des (08/09/2020 08:04)
Providing bad service for honda motorcycles

yogi hs (13/08/2020 20:49)
convenience bad, service also bad

lia agnes (19/03/2020 00:48)
one of mpm dealer but have less in facilities (there is no mirror block between mechanic and customer like other ahass ,so customer still can smell the gas pollution)

jessica bf (16/03/2020 02:04)
For someone who have never been to this dealer , i give suggestion when service to see directly working of the mechanics so there no lies between customer and mechanic

yeni san (16/03/2020 00:51)
There are many customers, maybe some people are liked this service, and others are disliked... But for me, from the first time I got free service (new motorbike) until finished the warranty for free, there was always a problem (another new one) on my motorbike

crizza (12/03/2020 00:52)
what a shame. The quality are different with Honda Gunawan service.
1. I have not given the choice of what type of oil and determine it yourself
2. The process has not been reported already finished ,what hasn't been done,and needs to be replaced
3, No member VIP card unlike other ahass

devia (03/02/2020 22:11)
I think it's good here because the reviews are great, you know when I came here after the service the outside look good, but inside were damaged

alisa agustin (09/01/2020 00:56)
This Ahass Honda has to be the worst of customer service dealer in Jember region. The management,the staff and the mechanics are unprofessional, some unpolite, some not friendly and cannot speak english or foreign languange

katryn lai (01/01/2020 22:55)
My experience service here, i have been waiting too long and want to cancel service but the book services have been stamped. what the hell?, the motor has not been serviced yet. i can't go another workshop because the book service has been stamped, it's really disappointed

claudya (01/01/2020 17:04)
It's really easy to suggest replacing spare parts, when in fact it don't need to change ...

florencia r (27/12/2019 02:32)
the worst Ahass I've ever been visited
fast service but sometime missing the screw
no television, non ac waiting room
price are above the market

jenada (11/12/2019 04:00)
the parts are original, Unfortunately, there are several parts that may be unavailable and must be pre-ordered first before the part available in this shop. For those who wants to wait for their bike to be repaired or serviced, there is a waiting room , and the glass window that not separate you from the shop allows you to see the mechanics working on your bike).

kana (23/11/2019 23:22)
The official place for Honda vehicle to get some regular maintenance but not for heavy service, wifi is available but protected

kun titi (23/11/2019 16:08)
The workshop Honda motorcycle repair shop at sumbersari region. The employees have large mechanics but not always listen to what you have on your mind regarding to your Honda motorcycle problems, including the minor ones. The service time is quite fast but the result is not satisfied ( not accurate) . The mechanic always suggest replacing a new part .I've been for first time so far, i am really dissapointed

angel jel (03/12/2019 01:31)
Lacking in better waiting room (only some benches, visitor are forced to hear the traffic and sound engine of motorcycle)

nee san (26/11/2019 17:21)
One of the official Honda's repair shop at jember. You can repair, maintain, or just to buy honda motorcycle and apply them by yourself. Service is quick but not accurate (there are bolts have not been assembled ,many internship mechanic, cashier and mechanic sometime polite according the mood. Free water, but the price expensive because of the facilities. Location at the main road kebonsari, ,but difficult to parking (cars)

Clarita (12/11/2019 22:23)
if you guys wanna waste your time it might be perfect place for you. i ve been here to repair my motorcycle and their services absolutely slow i dont know whats wrong with their staff and it took me almost an hours waiting. i do strongly recommend you guys to find other ahass, and good luck

pat (04/08/2019 12:17)
The mechanics are many of apprentice , don't come here if you want get best results., Services and facilities are quite good, but don't be fooled ,that just to cover their deficiency

erika (15/07/2019 01:49)
service is okay but the impression is rushed and less than the maximum. Because so much service in 1-3 hours that I have observed.

kurniawan deddy (02/07/2019 07:16)
you have to pay in cash (they dont accept credit/debit card).

hwang o (19/05/2019 02:03)
Quick service,big workshop but some part not ready stock (another ahass comment) , the customer are told to find themselves outside

mamad capi (15/05/2019 23:46)
Not bad nor good. It was just fine

citra san (15/04/2019 16:36)
Want to comment but it seems like someone is already represent. The key is to make better the service. We know that our business can improving from customers. hopefully we can make it better

Khoiron Murtafiq (01/04/2019 16:33)
I am so doubtl service in mpm. The begining the cost only 100, now 5x from opening price. this place should have complain box.

akbari p (12/10/2018 06:54)
ruang tunggu biasa

fauzi deden (09/10/2018 16:01)
sparepart part tidak ready, harus inden dulu

sinda agustin (30/09/2018 13:21)
The service is takes too long queque and the result isn't good

KETAN THAKKAR (27/07/2018 03:09)
Honest dealer. Fair service. Good staff.

bayaraja iwan (17/05/2018 17:50)
wah kalo saya sih udah dari lama ninggalin MPM.
serpis ga pernah bener di tempat ane, mana ngantri jg ga rasional.

mending di bengkel2 pinggir jalan, lebih berpengalaman dan skrg udah banyak yg terima mesin injeksi.

reza alhaq (16/05/2018 18:16)
Ga jaminan bengkel resmi lebih bagus kerjaannya gan, setau saya mereka juga ada target jual spare part lho. makanya mereka kadang main ganti spare part padahal masih bisa dibenerin

pak agus j (01/05/2018 16:52)
Gak selamanya bengkel resmi (MPM) lebih baik dari bengkel pinggir jalan.Malahan bengkel pinggir jalan hasilnya sangat amat memuaskan.
dan skrg tidak ada kendala.

Esti Indriastuti (28/04/2018 11:10)
Nice dealer. Nice people.

ivana eli (10/04/2018 18:59)
Harga paling mahal. Bole dibandingin di Gunawan atau Honda lainnya. Malah lebih murah di luaran dan bengkel biasa.

risdi iwan (31/03/2018 15:47)
Saya sangat kecewa dengan pelayanan Honda MPM Motor Kebonsari Jember. Omongannya tidak bisa dipercaya, sudah begitu tidak mau minta maaf, malah ngeyel.

srantal srunthul (29/03/2018 17:42)
kalau saran ane mending ga usah service ke MPM atau bengke resmi lain nya karena hampir dan kebanyakan semua nya itu sama pelyanan nya
kalau ane sendiri selalu service sama temen kebetulan temen punya usaha bengkel
kalau memang agan ga punya temen lebih baik service di bengkel pinggir jalan tapi yang agak sedikit bonafit atau banyak pengunjung yang dateng

risdianto setiawan (28/03/2018 13:40)
harganya selisihnya bisa ratusan ribu dengan dealer lainnya. ampun dehhh kena tipu beli di sini

desi arthadilla (27/03/2018 00:56)
Saya Terbelalak ketika melihat denda mencapai Rp. 8.223.100 ( Delapan juta dua ratus dua puluh tiga rubu seratus rupiah) setelah melunasi pinjaman Pokoknya Rp. 10.752.000 dari jumlah pinjamannya hanya Rp. 7.000.000, (Tujuh Juta Rupiah) di MPM Finance . satu kata kecewa

bismo boedi (27/02/2018 07:09)

Awan Ulama (07/09/2017 02:16)
Lumayan lah.. honda tempatnya gk sebagus yamaha..

olivia mery (11/08/2017 23:07)
Saya beli motor beat hitam CW, Kontan. Butuh SATU BULAN lebih untuk membuat STNK padahal saat awal bilangnya DUA MINGGU sudah bisa, alasannya ada trouble. Saya sudah memberi nomor hape, tapi tidak ada pemberitahuan melalui pesan atau telepon jika ada trouble, sampai saya menunggu tiga minggu, akhirnya saya dan keluarga kesana dan baru diberi tahu jika ada trouble. Lalu katanya satu minggu sudah selesai, tidak ada kata "insyallah" atau apa, katanya pasti SATU minggu sudah selesai, tapi nyatanya DUA minggu baru selesai.

Isa Rahmadhi Setiawan (05/08/2017 02:38)
Ramah, service cepet

Jarot Sutriadi (16/07/2017 14:35)
Dealer motor Honda utama di Jember

akhmad bahrudin (05/06/2017 01:59)

David Chriatiawan (30/05/2017 20:30)
Dealer honda varian terlengkap

Pri Tanggul (04/02/2017 10:09)

Yubie Calvin (31/01/2017 20:28)
Aman terkendali

Ari Setiawan (20/01/2017 10:09)
Yg jd sales d dealer motor honda bgi pin atau wa x
Krn sya mw tnya" low ambil..mkci

Mila Salsabila (13/01/2017 04:37)
Saya suka tempat ini karena orangnya ramah dan lucu lucu

Alfrian Priatna (09/11/2016 00:48)

Reta Catur (19/07/2016 01:01)

Tempat Lainnya :

  1. Senyum Media
    Jl. Kalimantan No.7, Krajan Timur, Sumbersari, Kec. Sumbersari, Kabupaten Jember, Jawa Timur 68121, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 331 323333
  2. Grand Cellular
    Jl. Jawa No.28A, Tegal Boto Lor, Sumbersari, Kec. Sumbersari, Kabupaten Jember, Jawa Timur 68121, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 331 339144
  3. Surya Naga Toko
    Jl. Letjen S.Parman No.91, Kali Oktak, Karangrejo, Kec. Sumbersari, Kabupaten Jember, Jawa Timur 68124, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 331 334348
  4. Istana Boneka
    Jl. Jayanegara No.10-A, Patimura, Kaliwates, Kec. Kaliwates, Kabupaten Jember, Jawa Timur 68131, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 331 488033
  5. Citra Bordir
    Jl. Let Jend Sutoyo, Kebonsari, Sumbersari, Kabupaten Jember, Jawa Timur 68122, Indonesia
  6. Toko Sega
    Jl. Untung Suropati B2, Kepatihan, Kaliwates, Kabupaten Jember, Jawa Timur 68131, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 331 425662
  7. Pusat Reparasi dan Informasi(Akari)
    JL. Semeru, 07 No. M-14, Sumbersari, Perum Jember Permai, Sumbersari, Kabupaten Jember, Jawa Timur 68121, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 331 3638588
  8. Toko Mulia
    JL. Dr Wahidin Sudirohusodo, No. 54, Kepatihan, Kaliwates, Kepatihan, Jember, Kabupaten Jember, Jawa Timur 68131, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 331 421564
  9. Anugerah
    Jl. Sumatera, Sumbersari, Kabupaten Jember, Jawa Timur 68121, Indonesia
  10. Central AC
    Jl. Ahmad Yani No.89, Kepatihan, Kaliwates, Kabupaten Jember, Jawa Timur 68194, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 331 483625
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