Komentar :
Afini Fathurrozi (06/03/2018 08:27)
Salah satu fakultas tertua diunej
Muhammad Fahri Priambudi (28/11/2017 20:08)
My proud almamater. Needs a lot of improvement in providing basic facilities for students, i.e : clean toilets, better gardening and waste management, free and wide WiFi coverage, and most importantly : fast, communicative, and responsive bureaucracy. Hope that student executive board (BEM) can help their fellow students deals with this stuffs, not just become symbolic gathering or event organization. Anyway, this is photo of adenium's flowers given for FISIP from my family. Hope it will blossom and cherish our almamater.
Sukma Toto Wibowo (25/11/2017 09:01)
Kampus kenangan 👍
berlin karina (18/09/2017 12:17)
My campus
Bang Yaqin (23/04/2014 15:46)
Suka Duka Bersama Temen Temen
the right (18/09/2017 12:17)
My campus