Komentar :
Rizal Iriansyah (03/09/2020 01:24)
The officers come in at noon, if I think it should be early in the morning so as not to create a crowd and accumulation of patients. because we are still in pandemic period. Hopefully the officers are more aware of this
Dang Rumatan (14/03/2019 02:29)
Pelayanannya baik, dan perbesar ruangan dan rekomended
Chaerul Anwar (12/03/2019 11:57)
Pelayanan ramah.
Ellert Ngutra (08/02/2019 23:57)
Dari sisi pelayanan, menurutku baik.
ANJAS UMAR (10/05/2018 14:39)
Bagus aman
Tati Nur (17/03/2018 13:33)
Pelayanan 24 jam Puskesmas Waena
iman fathurrahman (16/12/2017 04:53)
Dekat kalo mau berobat.... pake BPJS juga bisa.