Komentar :
Arkhei Rahman S. - Dandoh (07/04/2018 06:45)
Nice place. The food a little bit pricy though
Toberi Buinei (10/02/2018 10:42)
Not as crowded as it was back then...!!! Most people came here just for quick bite...!!!!
Daniel Geaslen (06/12/2017 22:32)
It's a Papuan mall. It's loud, dirty, and hot, but it's got what you need somewhere.
Rail Ondi (21/11/2017 21:12)
You can find a Krisbow Store in there. Good for carry some new work tool.
Edwin Maikel Jelmau (14/11/2017 20:22)
One of the shopping center in Jayapura located between Abepura and Jayapura and near Jayapura bus terminal. Very exicited food area with various menu and cost reasonable.
Agustinus Prabowo (23/06/2017 11:42)
A "boring" place
Yohanes Sigit Hertanto (06/06/2017 15:02)
Parkiran luas. Mau makan, bermain, atau punya acara. Bisa di PTC saja
ariel van gobel (27/04/2017 07:56)
khaerul usb (13/04/2017 12:24)
Sebuah tempat berbelanja dan tempat hiburan yang menurut saya cukup memuaskan,baik datri fasilitas sampao pelayanannya
Akhmad Belasting (13/03/2017 10:49)
place u can get many kind of food..including papeda
DrJohn Agustinus (12/02/2017 12:18)
Frety Rajagukguk (11/02/2017 07:13)
Tempat tongkrongan dulu. Tapi untuk sekarang tidak begitu ramai. Tapi biasanya diadakan konser disini
Arif Ari (05/02/2017 01:21)
Tempat santai
Agus sarwiyono (04/01/2017 03:02)
karena biasa kita sama teman2 main bulu tangkis
Rahmat Aryanto (20/12/2016 23:20)
not bad
Dhean Afriant (10/12/2016 14:50)
Good place, and almost complete
Sahat Tampubolon (07/08/2016 03:59)
Wisata kuliner dan wanana bermain anak yg relatif lengkap di Jayapura....
cristhien bukorsyom (27/06/2015 06:58)
Saya sangat senang dengan liburan kali ini
Riki Kurniawan (04/04/2015 23:13)
Permainannya bagus-bagus
Mesias Dimara Aprilyanti (22/01/2015 02:55)
luar biasa bagusnya