Komentar :
Muharam Bayu Tri NUGROHO (10/05/2018 07:46)
magnificent night view of the city, but lack of facilities
Rudiyanto rudiy (18/04/2018 14:25)
Panoramic view of jayapura city, port and bay
Peter H Brata (23/03/2018 01:45)
Nice view over the city of Jayapura, but need to improve the facilities
alfian fahmi (03/03/2018 08:03)
Nice view, and i hope in the future, jayapura build a big statue for entertaining view.
Noor Fithriya (02/02/2018 11:43)
has a beautiful view of the city and beautiful view of city lights at night. Good to come on both times to see different view of the city
Beni Djohan (26/01/2018 10:33)
Grand View. Even better with fresh coconut water, banana fritters. And, if you are up for it: bettlenut.
Farisa Amo (24/01/2018 00:16)
I think this is the highest place in Jayapura. If u want t see the whole city of jayapura, come here then.
Do not come alone.
Pretty deserted here. Specially for ladies. Bcz this place is so far from the crowd.
Archimedes Daely (26/10/2017 13:02)
Stunning view from the top of the hill of Jayapura. Best view if you go there in the evening to sunset. Pay attention for several spots because the safety is not in their main list.
Agus Zainuri (23/10/2017 22:02)
Maz Tresno (14/10/2017 15:21)
Jayapura (Indonesian: Kota Jayapura; Dutch: Hollandia) is the provincial capital of Papua, Indonesia. It is situated on the island of New Guinea, on Yos Sudarso Bay (formerly known as Humboldt Bay). It covers an area of 935.92 km2, and borders Jayapura Regency to the west, Keerom Regency to the south, the nation of Papua New Guineato the east, and the Pacific Ocean to the north. It had a population of 256,705 at the 2010 Census;[1] the latest official estimate (as at January 2014) is 315,872.
Qhykie Idris (06/09/2017 05:37)
Wow ini kren,gunung yang sangat tinggi aksesnyapun mudah, gak bakalan nyesal ke sini,kita bisa melihat kota jayapura dengan jelas dari sini, jgn lupa ambil momen bahagiamu di sini 😊📷
Kelana Keluarga Kecil (30/07/2017 10:20)
You can see Jayapura bay, port, and the city from this hill. Many locals come here to spend time by watching the views and take selfies
Septi Melinda (12/07/2017 09:23)
melihat Jayapura dari ketinggian