Komentar :
Jefri Tamba (22/04/2018 15:54)
Absolutely breathtaking campus. The buildings are excellently designed and the grounds are well kept, featuring peaceful nature trails and park areas. Deer frequent the campus. The teachers and staff are excellent and frequent bus service makes it easy to get to.
Syafiuddin Halid (19/03/2017 03:22)
Institut Seni Budaya Indonesia Tanah Papua merupakan satu satunya Perguruan Tinggi Seni berstatus Negeri di Tanah Papua. Berdiri sejak 6 Oktober 2014 Dengan 2 Fakultas Yakni Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain dan Fakultas Seni Pertunjukan yg terdiri atas 5 Program Studi ; Seni Murni, Seni Musik, Seni Tari, Desain Komunikasi Visual dan Seni Kriya.