Komentar :
Edhogawa Edhogawa (14/04/2018 12:11)
Mall jayapura the best
Sadam Samsudin (25/03/2018 08:42)
Depam pam
Endra Siahaan (23/12/2017 09:44)
A amazing place to visited.. enjoy the beautiful view..
dbizt hery (05/12/2017 11:43)
Good place for working, in the side of dok 2 beach. Very love it
noviansyah manap (17/11/2017 14:39)
The building is along beach side, beautiful view, sea, harbour, hilly land. Nice panorama when twilight.
Ferdous Koreshi (17/10/2017 08:19)
Small sandy beach. Bit dirty but fresh air
Willem Luntungan (27/10/2017 02:00)
Office government...good panorama
Bunga Tresna (24/10/2017 18:46)
The best sunrise spot in town. :D
Prio - S (16/09/2017 08:41)
Infront of beach. Nice for hang out in the night
bruri wijayanto (25/08/2017 09:10)
tempat yg nyaman untuk berteduh dan bekerja
Demianus Felle (24/08/2017 04:34)
Agustinus Prabowo (23/06/2017 11:38)
Offering a good view
Reinhard Derru (22/04/2017 03:43)
yoyok mampirngopi (03/04/2017 13:24)
Beautiful and nice place to visit
teo becks (01/04/2017 10:12)
dirgo merbau papua (16/03/2017 17:37)
Nice place for relax
Rasyid H (13/02/2017 20:45)
Cause not good the look like...
M,Firmansyah Firman (07/02/2017 06:31)
Klo mlam mnggu spanjang jlan rmai& asyik tuk nongkrong.indah bsa lhat jayapura city.air laut nya bgus bning bsa lhat" ikan.
Mikhael Yosia (07/01/2017 21:08)
Gilee, nearly drown. Got taken by the wave and feet and hand got stabbed by the damned karang man. So crazy. Nearly died. People dont care..
Jack Pakh (07/12/2016 18:14)
Pantai dok 2 ada kursi panjang ( kupang) yg dekat pantai dok 2 depan kantor gubernur papua jayapura
Feri Nayax (25/10/2016 23:02)
Nice view
Rinald Sitanggang (21/06/2016 06:57)
Sisca Pratiwi (28/07/2016 01:07)
Vanzant Rumuat (26/07/2016 13:17)
Z suka tempat ini karna dekat dari rumah
jepri adi (22/06/2016 00:32)
Muhammad Syukron Makmun (28/01/2016 15:48)
Tempat nongkrong anak-anak muda di Jayapura