Komentar :
Muhson Muhson (14/09/2017 07:04)
سمعانى Sam'ani (13/08/2017 04:25)
Basonya disini bulat2
Arif Firman (05/08/2017 16:10)
Jusana Kawiardja (03/06/2017 11:11)
The foods are very delicious and the place is cozy. There are delicious drink and even have a place at the back of the restaurant.
anggi akbari kurnia Sandi (30/05/2017 08:52)
Bakso nya enak banget
Kang Didno (16/03/2017 02:16)
Tempat untuk menikmati baso khas Malang di Indramayu
pondok herbal (31/12/2016 07:26)
lg mmpir dijtbrg
Jacob Adirachmat (06/08/2016 08:02)
Baso Malang Futura provide a uniquely taste of a certain traditional culinary cuisine from originally Malang City East Java Province. This kinda menu is great in taste and very delicious enough to meet up the local taste of a culinary while they are trying to find a nice place to have either lunch and dinner time. Here too, providing another traditionally Indonesian cuisine of a Soto Sapi (Beef Curry Soup) originally from Jakarta (or Betawi in other well-known predicate). The Soto Sapi is very tasty and rich in traditional ingredients and at last makes this menu very alluring smells triggering your gastronomical attraction to be fulfilled. As accompaniment to these traditional menus, they have many wide range of well-known cool beverages to try in hot days or just take a cup of hot tea or coffee for your accompaniment to your relaxing evening meals. You must try this for sure.