Komentar :
GENERASI MICIN (19/04/2018 20:10)
The food is not good, too ordinary for executive pessanger
guguy gulan (16/04/2018 13:16)
The food is delicious enough, comparing to the price. The bathroon is clean, the place is good.
Tommy Irawan (04/04/2018 15:05)
Makan di tempat ini karena naik bus rosalia indah menuju wonosobo. Tempatnya bersih, untuk ukuran resto singgah, rasa makanan cukup lumayan. Teh manis nya juga enak. Terdapat berbagai jajanan di resto ini.. dan ada mini market. Jual obat obat an legal juga. Anda juga bisa membeli cemilan untuk di bus. WC nya agak sempit dan ruang solatnya kurang bersih. Namun secara keseluruhan resto ini baik
Sari Nur Sabari (23/02/2018 11:48)
Resto of Rosalia Indah Transport. Nice service
Louis Putri (03/02/2018 14:33)
Nice and clean...sadly the washroom is too narrow
Johanes Latupapua (01/01/2018 15:03)
It serves okay food enough to fill your hungry feels. Its taste is just good, not so delicious.
Hariyanto Adjie N (31/12/2017 05:48)
Nice plcae to dinner at our trip with rosalia indah
Garage69s Project (07/11/2017 13:53)
Free Food is mean bad Quality
Farhan Muntaqo (25/10/2017 12:58)
Coupon included in Rosalia bus ticket can be redeemed with a plate of dinner with a glass of tea. Meals here are low-budget so you may taste it not delicious. Just to satisfy your hunger.
Rheza Andrianta (28/09/2017 11:32)
The food actually good, but there are some issue like not too.much entertainment such as live music etc.
But this restaurant owned by an transporter company! Love that
anturangga Tantra (11/09/2017 13:11)
Food is simple but quite good. But privy is dirty, smelly, and not free
Agatha Vestra (08/09/2017 15:10)
restaurants and rest areas for Rosalia Indah's passengers or public
Haryono Haryono (08/09/2017 13:55)
Aryanto Lee (29/08/2017 19:27)
suggest good food
Support KPTeknika (03/05/2017 06:12)
AlexanderVict (09/04/2017 03:57)
Nice place with nice food from PT Rodalia Indah
agus santosa (05/04/2017 17:29)
very good service
D. Pramoedya (18/11/2016 13:34)
Not bad
Adib Setyo Utomo (03/09/2016 11:58)
Just now
Aris Nugroho Pranoto (17/03/2016 10:44)
Vast Interior with Decent Menu