Komentar :
ridwan indrajaya (23/04/2018 07:39)
feel excitement when you visit there. better not visit it when rain season,cause sometimes tha cave is flooded with water when hard rain come
Dwi Yulianto (07/02/2018 15:42)
Dapat diskon hihi
Goa Pindul (07/02/2018 15:42)
Joss tenan. Lancar rejekine, jembar segarane
GI KENTUNGAN (07/02/2018 15:41)
Acara gathering lancar ;-)
Sylvia Bieng (29/11/2017 15:21)
operatornya banyak
Siswanto Agus (01/12/2015 12:54)
Pindul Cave is beauty scene. It is 350 metres. You may go there, let's pass the crack, be careful. InsyaAllah you will be happy.
Suhandi Widjaja (15/08/2016 02:33)
Menyusuri goa pindul dengan ban. Sambil pemandu menceritakan tentang goa pindul.