Komentar :
kuni haq (11/05/2018 00:49)
A so so guest house but could be very expensive during peak season. Normal price is 350k IDR including breakfast (a bit spicy fried rice with egg). You can just across the street to enjoy the beach. No inhouse restaurant,you should find one for about 100 or 200 meters walk in case you need it.
😀"Selalu ingat menjaga kebersihan, buang sampah di tempatnya"
"Sediakan tempat sampah di mobilmu"😀
CV Magna Raharja Tama MAHATA (26/01/2018 22:10)
Penginapan yang bersih dan pelayanan bagus. Fasilitas lengkap tv, ac, air panas. Sarapan paginya gak usah diharapkan... gak enak 😁
di atas penginapan ada bukit karang, viewnya bagus untuk melihat pemandangan dari atas
irwan endrayanto (04/11/2017 12:47)
One of the best motel. Clean. Good service. Hot water. AC. Recommended
Tgt Priyadi (21/05/2017 13:20)
Near beach...beach hotel..
Fadil Aziz (21/03/2017 10:38)
Offers rustic rooms upstairs with a bit ocean view. But I chose rooms at the base instead. Upstairs rooms are not for family. Steep climb. We spent 4 nights using two rooms at the base with air conditioning and best of all, connecting door. Although it lacks of restaurant, this the best value for money in the area at the time of writing. If I stay upstairs, I would give 4 stars, if they have better location and view, 5 stars. Base rooms have a minimum of privacy.
ARIS FALS (22/04/2016 13:10)
Key Phone (25/10/2017 08:57)
suasana pagi harinya yg bikin grrrr masih asri pemandangan yg indah ..amazing..
Agung Suratman (08/10/2017 02:50)
Beach view. Harga kamar dimalam Minggu 400 500 dan 600. TV air panas AC. Parkir nyaman. Kamar mandi clean kamar nyaman.
Dian Setyorini (26/07/2017 06:29)
Pelayanan ramah, view langsung pantai, paling dkt dgn pantai, ac, tv, heater, bersih, ada sarapan nasi goreng yg sangat sederhana.
Harga 350rb weekday 👍
Yusup Kusumawardana (30/06/2017 00:52)
tempatnya enak, sayang gak ada lift hehe
arys mig (25/12/2016 16:25)
Fasilitas semua kamar dengan AC, air panas dan breakfast per kamar 2 orang...
Pranata Indra Utama (11/12/2016 23:52)
Adi Yunanto (02/12/2016 12:36)
Sayangnya gk ada no kontak pengelola penginapannya...
angello benedictus (10/07/2016 09:21)
Pelayanan memuaskan
Ada 3 tipe kamar
Bangun tidur langsung liat lukisan Tuhan
Pokok'e JoSss.....!!!
Aris Kurniawan (22/04/2016 13:10)
Aris Fals (22/04/2016 13:10)