Komentar :
Lufthi Lufthansah Nugraha (20/05/2018 14:26)
For now this beach is my favorite beach at Yogyakarta
June Listy (02/05/2018 05:53)
Beautiful place ,, you must be happy .. Recommended to refresh your body and soul.. 😇
Tri Purnomo Aji (15/04/2018 12:10)
beautiful beaches, and not so crowded. suitable for camping.
Probo Hubrianto (30/03/2018 12:57)
Nice place, warm people
Merry Christina Silaen (23/01/2018 17:53)
Love this wonderful beach.
Felix Djupha (02/09/2017 17:14)
I've read this quote on internet "difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations". And now, i know its true.
Ogie Evanthe (23/08/2017 02:22)
Its good place for spending time with yr friends, by following the directions to the wediombo beach, because not many directions to this beach.
For those who want to camp there warung open 24 hours and there also sell firewood, so very easy to camping there, happy relax and dont forget to keep the beach clean ❤
Dwi Winarno (05/07/2017 04:13)
good place for firts love
Priambudi Putra (29/06/2017 01:02)
Aksesnya setelah pertigaan ke kiri agak rusak dan terjal. Belum ada petugas pengatur untuk mengatur arus masuk-keluar mobil jadi harus bergantian. Ditambah lagi area parkir yg kurang memadai sehingga banyak mobil parkir di badan jalan. Saran dari saya, jika ingin dikembangkan jd wisata massal ada baiknya untuk memperbaiki akses kendaraan serta jumlah kendaraan yang dapat ditampung.
Untuk alamnya sendiri, Pantai Jungwok ini sangat bagus, ada batu karang, dan bermain air. Fasilitas MCK oke, kantin juga ada. Sebaiknya ke sini pagi2 sekali karena ketika siang mulai ramai pengunjung.
Makin suka sama Kabupaten Gunung Kidul :D
Puput Riani (03/04/2017 15:25)
Specialist for camping college or other..
ririn safitri (10/11/2016 14:39)