Komentar :
Sabda Ratu (25/04/2018 02:57)
A very cozy place to stay and hang out. Excellent wifi (and it's free). The food are decent but at a very affordable prices. Would love to come by whenever I go to Wonosari or Gunung Kidul beaches.
Garri Kusuma (23/01/2018 23:02)
Sayang hanya ada 1 guest house dan campur dgn cafe juga
Titik W Sumargo (19/12/2017 16:44)
Cafe + homestay yg classic dan romantis. Recommended bagi yg mau ajakin pasangan nongkrong 😄
Farid Gunawan (07/04/2017 00:23)
good architectre
Joseph Krisna (04/03/2017 15:10)
Homy place
Zam Ghozy (29/09/2014 21:39)
Very lovely place
anisa nurul (01/11/2017 14:09)
Cafenya nyaman
official smando (17/10/2017 11:50)
tempatnya romantiiis.. klasik jawa kalo buka puasa disini diberi takjil gratis
Sabda17 Ae (26/06/2017 04:33)
Menu enak dan murah meriah, tempat romantis, luas, parkir mudah dan luas
anastasia ari ch SP (24/05/2017 01:29)
rumah damai
Yoseph Krisna (04/03/2017 15:10)
Homy place
slas art (21/02/2017 07:50)
disini cocok buat kamu yang punya pasangan.karna selain romantis,harga dari menu yang disediakan pun tidak begitu mahal
Vredy Nurohman (16/02/2017 02:40)
cocok buat santai
Hawi Bowo (26/12/2016 09:09)
Tenan dan nyaman
Dewi Suryaningsih (29/12/2015 10:38)
Aku pre wed neng kenee
Gkh paradise (12/07/2014 00:23)
wonosari penuh tradisi