Komentar :
Eni Cuzny (20/09/2020 05:18)
Alhamdulillah ... my own suggestion from the incident my little son was at the age of 6th, now 11 years old ... he broke a bone due to falling from playing ball bath. At that time I took him to the hospital in X-ray and the result was broken. The doctor suggested surgery. But my husband and I didn't want to finally be able to be taken home by force to go home. At that time, we immediately took it to Mr. Gati's house from Bantul to Gunungkidul, it was almost 2 hours drive. Alhamdulillah, 3 weeks, I can walk again and recover ... sorry I can't post a photo because it's lost in the memory of the other cellphone ...
And since then .. we have been hanging out with some friends and relatives too .. And really recovered .. This is a fact, yes .. My personal test ..
raharjo djogja (20/03/2019 13:34)
Gass mbah
putra raharjoe (20/03/2019 12:20)
Dulurku asline mung cedakku
Marzuni adi nuryanto (09/02/2018 14:31)
Ahli patah tulang di gunung kidul...