Komentar :
Sekar N Aristiawati (09/06/2018 17:34)
Ayamnya lembut, enak dan empuk... mantap disantap selagi hangat... sesuai dengan harga
Agus Setiawan (19/04/2018 22:50)
Sempet mikir ini rasanya ayam goreng standar-standar az.. Weleehh sekali coba enakkkk bangettt.. Ayamnya lembut gurih, crispy-nya asin2 lembut.. Uenak tenan.. Reccomended laahh
Dick Aarden (08/12/2017 10:28)
Nice chicken, well prepared but not cheap
Herwin Ang (29/05/2017 09:36)
I dont think its provide "Ayam Kampung". I think it was "Ayam Negeri" but they sell it with higher price. Rp 22.000 not worthy at all. But this place is still open when the fasting event
Sylvia Rini Handayani (29/04/2017 10:12)
The best "Ayam Kampung Kremes" (village fried chicken with crunchies) i have ever had in my life! The fried chicken tastes so good its criminal! They said its from young chicken so the meat is so tender and juicy. You should definitely have some!
niken widiastuty (27/04/2017 03:45)
I bought one whole fried chicken back then. The taste and textures was perfect for me and my fams.
Eric Dwitama (09/05/2017 20:00)
Nice, but the problem is with a price..
Triyono Adinugroho (21/03/2017 15:56)
Loved the live gamelan performance. It was a nice touch.
Wulan wiyat wuri (23/02/2017 04:20)
Tempat luas, parkir luas, strategis mudah mampir, dekat pusat oleh2. Daan...yg penting ayam gorengnya itu yg recommended banget!!
ChunKiat Lucas (10/12/2016 05:38)
Nice fried chicken. Tender! However, slightly on the salty side. Most of the dishes are too salty. Could be their way of cooking. Should ask them to add lesser salt when cooking.
Wolfgang Post (11/11/2016 12:23)
Super nice fried chicken, must try.
Opie McNdra (17/09/2016 03:35)
Ayamnya krispi bgt.... Krenyes krenyes plus sambalnya maknyuuusss tp sayangnya krg pedes