Komentar :
ade nurul indarto (08/07/2019 04:07)
I dont like the place for taking wudhu, because it has kinda small pool for washing feet but it seems dirty because the water is not flowing through the pool
Grace Tauladan (27/06/2019 14:18)
It is a wide field, usually used for an event. This place is more lovely at night, you can have some street food and see the lights in the shape of 'wayang'.
Ribka Natalia (21/06/2019 18:58)
I like to visit this place at night. Open public spaces, but so hard to find a toilet.
Dvidz Joke (15/06/2019 15:32)
The place was surprisingly clean, you could rent nice tricycle with various design (becak hias) just like in Simpang Lima Semarang.
The local food was also good. The specialty of Purwodadi is Nasi Pincuk, similar to Nasi Ayam/Nasi Liwet in Semarang.
The local was also friendly and very helpful.
Don't be surprised if someone greet you in the street, that is normal thing in here.
What a lovely city
Mas Gagah (10/06/2019 15:15)
crowded place, good, many snacks sellers with cheap prices and quite varied
rio paradika (14/04/2018 04:14)
Came here at midnight. There still many warung to get dinner
Alokz Mongkih (31/03/2018 06:07)
After some renovations, its a great public space
budi yono (18/03/2018 23:08)
annis fbr (02/02/2018 13:06)
The food stands were served mostly the same menu, good atmosphere but too many pengamen
taufieq uwaidha (20/01/2018 10:28)
More beautiful and have many children activities
Ahmad Dary (10/01/2018 07:36)
Public open space and land mark
Gendis rahayu (06/11/2017 12:04)
Sosis bakarnya enak
Aisyah Ainara (02/11/2017 07:21)
Tempatny mudah di jangkau, banyak kuliner yg biisa anda coba,, tempat yg bisa untuk berolahraga,, tmpat brsantai dgn keluarga saudara ato dgn pasangan,, dan yg pastii bsa untuk berselfii riia dgn background penghijauan..
youtuber pemula (18/10/2017 09:36)
Wajah baru...
Terus jaga kebersihan ,
Di percantik dan di tambahi penerangan lagi biar makin cantik
Ami Priyono (27/09/2017 02:38)
Fantastik anggaran revitalisasi alun2 PWD sebesar 10 T, hasilnya ciamiik, warga bisa beraktivitas dan berekonomi. Selamat buat Bu Bupati Grobogan.
aris jakarta itu padat (22/09/2017 14:48)
Spot bagus buat makan malam, namun kalau pagi hari hati2buat pesan makan disitu, kadang ada penggebrakan oleh satpol PP