Komentar :
Zezen Miftah (04/01/2018 12:57)
Indah banget
Hape Kece (15/05/2017 23:53)
Taman Djamoe Indonesia is an Educational Tour in Semarang Regency which has various useful plants and some herbs collection. Location This tour is located in the hamlet Kenangkan, Village Bergas Kidul, Bergas District, Semarang regency, Central Java Province. You can see the video about this tour in my Youtube : Hape_Kece
Dhiny Etika Rully Hapsari (05/04/2017 11:53)
Nice Place
Dony Amartha (09/01/2017 17:04)
Charles Tan (08/03/2016 23:10)
The gardens behind the resto display a nice variety of plants & trees.
Bintu Nasirudin (30/07/2017 09:37)
Punyane jamu jago apa nyonya meneer gitu ya. Sering buat PLS anakĀ² sekolah
dedi suryanto (14/05/2017 12:48)
Didalamnya terdapat ratusan jenis tanaman herbal yang biasa digunakan untuk pembuatan jamu...tempatnya sangat luas dan memiliki parkir yang luas juga
Bagus Aris (30/01/2017 03:53)
W Banu Aji (17/12/2016 10:58)
Tempat yg bagus, sayang kurang promosi jadinya sepi