Komentar :
rachman abdoel (22/11/2019 14:52)
small feeder bus station very strategic position esepecially eith Damri airport bus
Bagus Syarifuddin (14/11/2019 14:59)
could be better
mahesa paudan sibarani (01/11/2019 11:00)
The best
Muhammad Zainuri (26/05/2019 08:12)
Good place. Damri runs on time and give good service.
Anton Widyanto (11/04/2019 03:28)
If you want to go to JUANDA airport in Surabaya, you can directly ride the Damri bus from this bus station.
Miftahul Arif (14/01/2018 02:55)
Small bus station. Public bus for Semarang, Jakarta, as well as airport bus served in this station. Station looks quiet and less well maintained. Several spot seem dirty and poor.
Muhammad Mahlan (05/07/2017 08:05)
Largest bus station in Gresik, provide transportation to all around Java. Lack of facility but pretty condusive.
Humada Alfian (Ardiansyah) (08/03/2017 16:29)
1. Main Gresik bus station
2. Very very accessible bus station, but need more public facilities, such us pedestrian bridge, more bench and others
3. Standard grade B Indonesia bus station
4. There's airport bus line
1. Need to be improved step by step, toilet, rest area, local forest, paved road
Ramlee Tamin (28/02/2017 12:49)
This is the largest bus terminal in Gresik.
Very few buses and eateries.
There is a lake on the eastern aspect.
Damri bus going to Juanda airport is available here.
taufiq soleh (30/09/2017 10:17)
Good bus terminals
Fasta'Iza Nasril Ramli (23/07/2017 08:53)
Quite enough but need more improvements
Humada Alfian (08/03/2017 16:29)
1. Main Gresik bus station
2. Very very accessible bus station, but need more public facilities, such us pedestrian bridge, more bench and others
3. Standard grade B Indonesia bus station
4. There's airport bus line
1. Need to be improved step by step, toilet, rest area, local forest, paved road
Hari Rahardian (06/09/2017 13:09)
Terminal bus terbesar di Gresik. Jurusan atara lain: Lamongan Babat. Bojonegoro Cepu Blora Purwodadi. Tuban Rembang Kudus Semarang. Jepara. Tegal Cirebon. Bandung. Jabodatabek. Merak. Sumatra. Dan Bandara Internasional Juanda Surabaya.
Achmad Zainul Muttaqin (02/07/2017 19:06)
Sepi kalo malam, di buat lewatan bus arah semarang atau barat baik ekonomi maupun patas
Riesha Amalia (16/06/2017 12:58)
lebih tepatnya tempat lewat bis.bis yg datang cm berhenti sebentar. bis arah semarang, tuban, bojonegoro. tempatnya cukup bersih tp agak sepi
Fadma Sari (19/03/2017 05:14)
pernah nyampek terminal jam 3 pgi nd ngak ada angkot..harus nunggu dah..
A'an Khunaidi (09/02/2017 21:59)
Parkiran Luasss sekali
alucard prince (08/02/2017 08:35)
jam 5 sore udh sepi
Budi Kiswoyo (12/12/2016 06:55)
yaya joss (21/11/2016 15:52)
Sangat bersih
Dony Felany (15/08/2015 20:39)
Gersik bus terminal bunder
Agus Prasetyo Gresik (22/05/2015 08:02)
Badak Udin (08/04/2015 12:02)
Nk pe numpak DAMRI ke juanda