Komentar :
Adinda Dwcp (04/03/2018 00:44)
So good, so nice every time and rilecks
Juliawati Sugiono (18/02/2018 14:15)
Good and very convenient place for transit.. a rest area before continuing the journey.. a cafe, ready-to-eat meal and snacks. Miss the old-more-affordable coffee machine though!
trio budi agus susanto (16/12/2017 07:47)
Great convenient store in the middle of nowhere *sorry lads 😁 complete item, have a unique donut, and little coffee shop inside, what else to ask? A little mopping floor maybe..
Humada Alfian (13/12/2017 08:16)
Pros :
1. Super wide parking lot, ±25 car
2. Provide any fruit, food and beverages, coffee and tea too
3. ATM available here
4. Public restroom available, chair, toilet, all of them free to use
5. Friendly service, fast response
Ryouji Saiku (01/08/2017 17:38)
Indomaret Special Store : Rest Area / Sitting Area, Foods and Baverages are ready to consume, Bakery (Sari Roti, Mr. Bread, Say Bread / fresh from the oven), Coffees, Ice Creams, Fresh fruits, and more.
Wiebz Channel (26/11/2017 22:06)
Rest area indomaret yg cocok utk perjalanan jauh dari surabaya ke babat, bojonegoro maupun semarang, ada juga toiletnya meskipun kurang bersih, serta rest area kurang bersih karena banyak pengunjung yang sampahnya dibiarkan begitu aja.
Beni Zuliadi (03/09/2017 06:03)
Lancar_ Rezeki (29/06/2017 23:35)
Rest area... Didalamnya ada penjualan roti yang masih hangat baru keluar dari oven...
achmad saifud thohari nugroho (20/06/2017 01:34)
Take a little dinner. And muxh more.
Mokhammad Syarifuddin (01/05/2017 04:45)
Pusat Gudang Indomaret Jawa Timur. Rest areanya cukup luas. Air panas gratis, bisa bikin mie gelas atau secangkir kopi panas.
EM Farih (30/04/2017 20:25)
This Indomaret provided a many facilities like a toilet, a hot water, and many more..
dicky ismail (07/04/2017 19:30)
Nyaman buat istirahat saat jalan jauh antara sby lamongan. Parkir luas dan ada makanan ringan
Andreas Surya Sitorus (22/03/2017 08:12)
Consumers good provided, the toilet was pretty good.
Kasenda St Ferry (11/02/2017 14:43)
Parkir luas, ada toilet, bisa ngopi2
Rudi Muhammad (11/02/2017 08:24)
Buka 24jam.
Muhammad Zubaidi (20/06/2016 17:01)
Tempat yang nyaman untuk sekedar rehat sejenak dalam perjalanan
Jokowi Hardcore (06/09/2015 12:58)
Wau google maps memang hebat rumah saya bisa kelihatan dari
zakyerdiansyah Zaky (14/04/2015 09:48)
Home sweet home