Komentar :
Hasliah Sakking (07/09/2020 11:25)
The officers and doctors are kind and friendly
Missi Docci (21/08/2020 02:44)
No physical examination. Only asked questions, complaints. Even then, only 2-3 complaints from the doctor, immediately diagnosed. And a prescription drug. My feeling is that the doctor is really good or doesn't want a physical examination
USWATUL HASANAH (23/02/2020 03:46)
Pelayanan di perbaiki dong, dokter disana senior2, cuma staff, kurang bagus, main hp saja kerjanya, pelayanan nol, HP yes, mungkin itu prinsip mereka
Harina Mo (13/02/2020 08:43)
andi ayesha (25/11/2019 22:24)
good clinick, but you should take a lot of time to meet the "dokter anak"
Subar Bachtiar (25/10/2018 03:05)
Nugroho Hasan (09/03/2018 21:59)
Now moved front of the old place. Ok
Muh. Ganda Sriwitjayanto (20/04/2018 03:34)
Pelayanan baik,
Ismail Hamzah (19/12/2017 01:30)
Klinik Nur Ichsan
Fitria Rezky (20/09/2017 02:45)
Pelayanannya bagus
muhammad adnan (02/09/2017 12:32)
Melayani bpjs
Andi Asriady (27/01/2017 11:42)
Klinik bersih, pelayanan ramah dan cepat, diagnosa dokternya tepat