Komentar :
Wisata Holik (21/11/2017 14:42)
The best Makassar Coffee Shop Ever,.. especially for people in the coffee shop
Fajar Hidayat (31/10/2017 17:05)
best coffee time
Ainul Abidin (08/07/2017 11:51)
Good place to hangout
Yuditra Farmana (25/02/2017 16:30)
Nice decorations with photo studio
Yudhistira Negara (23/12/2016 06:55)
Good place and good people
Opha Banyolman1 (01/08/2017 17:26)
Tempat ngopi yg nyaman ,live music
Kopinya enak, pegawai ramah..dan dilantai 2 ada studio foto (join)
rifhan fadhlan (06/07/2017 01:52)
Bagus, asik, nyaman. Mantapp 👍👍👍
Teresa Carlin (29/06/2017 03:32)
If you come to Makassar, please stop by.
For you coffee lovers, you won't regret!!
This cafe has good ambience, very good taste of coffee, and friendly crews !! They're so kind, and you can ask they anything related to traveling in Makassar.
wlhyx (05/05/2017 05:15)
Mantap buat ngadem
fachrul husain (13/04/2017 08:54)
Minuman oke, Toilet kurang bersih
Anggi Fadli (24/03/2017 05:00)
Bagian bawah cafe, bagian atas tempat foto studio.
Muhammad Yusuf (19/08/2016 07:19)
Cozy place..mantap buat nongkrong