Komentar :
L APA R (19/02/2019 06:17)
Jasa Laundry Sepatu Wilayah Makassar (11/11/2017 02:23)
great job
Amalia N (04/10/2017 22:40)
this place every day always crowded, so many people coming there, for complaint, or etc. the steets always stuck in here
kelapa baru (24/09/2017 02:07)
crowded place, you have to come early for service before the queued got unreachable
Richard Matias (18/09/2017 01:45)
Better come at 8.00 a.m, around 9.00 a.m the lines has reached about 60-80 lines. Waiting room is clean.
Safrina TAAJ (24/02/2017 16:22)
Near BNI Drive-Thru ATM
Aksan Nugroho (01/02/2017 04:11)
Warm And nice public service
Mandar Mammis (19/02/2019 06:17)
Gado Gado (12/10/2018 10:22)
tempat parkir sangat buruk untuk tempat yang selalu penuh sesak oleh masyarakat
Amalia Nurdin (04/10/2017 22:40)
this place every day always crowded, so many people coming there, for complaint, or etc. the steets always stuck in here
hendro sugiarto (11/09/2017 13:07)
Veru good
Andriadi Eko Yuwono (05/06/2017 20:35)
A place where we taking care of our health care system
Misnariah Idrus (03/06/2017 13:41)
Abdul Munir (19/05/2017 16:46)
Health insurance office
Thyza Yee (27/12/2016 15:38)
layanan kpd masyarakat sangat baik..tdk neko neko tetapi kita harus tetap sabar karena jumlah yg datang untuk pengurusan berkas2 dngn petugas yg ada tidk banyak jd betul betul harus sabar dan junjung tinggi budaya antri agar tetap tertip...okeeee
Syamsul Hidayat (08/12/2016 15:21)
Help for your health insurance
Ahmad Amiruddin (17/06/2016 04:53)
Barracuda x (25/08/2016 19:51)
Pencairan Jamsostek disini nyaman banget, pelayanan bagus dan cepat, jumat ajukan berkas, selasa dana sudah di transfer
Utary yanti (02/06/2016 01:00)
Surya Kurniawan (01/04/2016 03:19)
Antri dg sabar, karena semua yg antri jg butuh layanan BPJS Kesehatan
Akhiruddin Nur (15/12/2015 00:25)
Namanya kantor layanan publik. Antri poll...
Untungnya ada wi fi gratis...