Komentar :
ykln_ eunoia (22/04/2018 04:35)
Nice beach view to see sunrise and sunset
Uthami Sary (03/03/2018 08:35)
Having seafood dish for dinner here is a good choice
Djalaludin Hulinggi (13/02/2018 21:56)
Josh Wander (31/01/2018 16:19)
Nice view and mini cafe available
Billy Jonatan (13/12/2017 10:23)
Nice...they have good joging track
Denny Kriwil (02/07/2017 02:59)
It does have a park good enough for hanging out. Numerous coffee shop available there. Good place for children, jogging, bicycling, and skateboarding.
Arfandy Muharam (08/10/2017 04:21)
eng gar (13/09/2017 00:40)
Good place for enjoying sunset and sunrise at Pohuwato
WAHYU AZHIS (05/07/2017 02:18)
Seru sekali
Alpin Ghc (10/06/2017 11:50)
Ilyas Mohamad (11/05/2017 15:13)
Eksotis beach with natural sunrise n sunset
Rachmad Triapto (17/03/2017 05:47)
Good beach on Marisa
Marthen Basiru (06/02/2017 23:59)
Tempat santay...
Randy Loupatty (09/01/2017 09:43)
Chilli place to enjoy sunset
Cindrawati Adam (23/12/2016 00:04)
Kerennnnn bangeeeeetttt
Biztro Rocks (08/11/2016 17:24)
Suasana Pantai.Depan Pulau Lahe.
Jogging track, tempat santai juga sarana buat anak-anak.
Afril Pratama (14/10/2016 13:48)
pantainya kerrrrrrren abissss...
nyesel kalo gak jalan2 kesini.
pokok'y gak kalah deh sama pantai kute bali.
Rudy Rudy (08/09/2016 16:30)
Bangeeet TOPnya PPC
Gunawan 01 (24/08/2016 12:10)
Sekarng pantai pohon cinta memiliki wajah baru,,,,tidak ada salahnya jika anda mengunjungi tempat tersebut,,
Sitty Rahmawati Utina (06/07/2016 09:48)
Ada yang baru
cikha taher (07/05/2016 12:01)
Sangat bagus