Komentar :
Wizteer XD (02/11/2020 09:01)
Edy Karniawan I Wayan (14/08/2020 02:53)
Good place to buy family necessities
Gede Budiartha (27/06/2020 04:44)
Maryam Aryani (02/01/2020 09:01)
Cheap price is here
Kadek Ema (26/10/2019 01:52)
Hopefully you add the casier
Sapti Aryati (14/07/2019 12:17)
They provide a wide range of daily stuffs with great price, especially with membership card. However, sometimes the stocks were low as there were lots of customers. Lack of response from staffs
Dwi Wibowo (08/03/2019 05:53)
Mini Mart special for baby stuff , good place
Philip Yusenda (02/03/2019 09:13)
This place has a very wide range of children related stuffs: baby carrier, shoes, school supplies, baby food, and the more general supermarket stuff. And if you have member card, the discount is very good!
kadekdwi wahyuni (23/02/2019 11:36)
Good place for baby shopping
Ngurah Ed (19/02/2019 12:12)
Good place for shopping, many discount for member..
Agus Maharta (30/10/2018 13:40)
panas. jangan sekali" pakek non tunai disni karena layanan tidak bagis
Agung Zan (12/06/2018 16:29)
Place to buy needs, food
Specially for baby clothes and other item
Rendi Kurniawan (19/04/2018 10:05)
Good place for shopping, a reasonable price
erdi yanta (19/04/2018 04:01)
Saya rekomendasikan barang lebih murah dari tempat lain. Untuk belanja banyak kebutuhan sehari hari ini pilihan terbaik
Bagus Susilo (09/02/2018 08:10)
Clean supermarket with electronics shop upstair
dewa tenaya (05/01/2018 12:03)
One stop shoping
Angga Jorock (10/12/2017 05:51)
Baby care products are available here
Aming Dharmayasa (01/06/2017 13:06)
Great place to buy kids, babies and mamma stuff, they have kids toys area and playground, foodcourt and mini market
Muhamad Nova (25/08/2017 10:30)
Barangnya cukup lengkap, terutama perlengkapan bayinya. Tapi terkadan stock nya sold out.
LAPAU J&J (21/08/2017 21:51)
Harga barang lebih murah kalau memiliki kartu id clandy's
M. Marcell (10/08/2017 02:43)
Lumayan lengkap
eka septiady (01/06/2017 13:50)
Tempat ini sangat ramai kecuali pada jam 08.30
Mangku Dwi (17/04/2017 00:10)
Mudah dijangkau, parkir bagus, tapi barang kurang lengkap. Karena stock yg habis tidak cepat diisi.....
N. Sudiartha Jr. (08/04/2017 03:26)
Nice place store
Saint Justin Mr. Daboex (20/03/2017 22:59)
Harga cukup relatif murah dengan pilihan macam barang yg cukup lengkap
sriwasis Sriwasis (06/12/2016 10:15)
Komplit juga