Komentar :
Grygorii Soloshenko (19/03/2018 04:07)
Best of the best place for shopping.
Taufan Yudhistira (15/04/2017 16:48)
Emas dan peraknya diukir secara luar biasa.
Komang Tirtayasa (17/12/2016 14:23)
Shine...and gold
Suryono Dwikora Kasidi (06/12/2016 15:09)
Koleksi eksklusiv...kelas dunia
Frank Nusteling (23/07/2016 07:18)
Really fun and interesting to see how the people work(ed). And pssst, we bought a 198$ bracelet for 50$, because we started bidding at 35$. Which is oddly cheap knowing how much handwork it is to make one bracelet...