Komentar :
dwi riskariyanti (02/03/2016 23:05)
Don, t do this tour,, it's dangerouse organise by crazy people
Gintas Sarkus (06/01/2016 07:42)
We had booked a trip for 4 people to raft (afternoon session) which should of only been our group of 4+1 (us + guide) and looked forward to our adventure the next day.
Next day we were picked up right on time by the driver from our resort and transported to the staging facility. Made payments, changed cloths, put stuff in the locker etc.
received all our gear (except water shoes) and got on transfer shuttle to the river. On the way we have passed rice fields and made a stop.
It is a quick 5-10 min hike down to the river from where the car stopped. It is steep at some places, hardly recommended to have your water shoes/boots on, or sandals of some sort, flip flops may slip and you my injure yourself, so be aware.
After everybody arrived, we have assembled and started getting on the rafts, our group 6 + guide (4 big folks - asian terms) we started our journey. I had protested this arrangement from the get go, since we had too much weight in our boat given rivers conditions, plus we booked a group of 4, but there was no 3rd guide available thus we had to fit into 2 rafts: our raft 6+1 and other raft 7+1.
After starting our journey, couple rapids went just fine, was enough water and i thought things will be ok, but this turned out to be very short lived... after about 15 minutes every other rapid turned out to be a big hassle for the rest of trip (another 1.5 hrs) due to too much weight in the boat, if we had had our group of 4 as originally planned, we would had an amazing trip. Other boats were behind us, it came and went and just reminded us how our trip should of bin.. Views were amazing and rafting could of bin better if not for this screw up...
On the way we have stopped to look at the amazing waterfall and for a quick dip from the heat. After we had arrived to our final stop, got off the rafts and had to hike it up back out of the valley, another 10-15 min hike up (lots of stairs), but all rafting in Bali is like this. We were picked up and back to the station, lunch was provided, which was great food and very delicious.
I would do it again, but make sure to ask about river conditions and make sure you are not "sardined" into the raft. Bring your water shoes / boots, since rafting place does not provide it.