Komentar :
Dradjad Uripno (02/05/2018 06:22)
nice place
Aceh Gayo (03/04/2018 12:21)
Comfort and clean
Vanbasten Meliala (20/01/2018 00:35)
Nice hotel in the city and clean
Amex Chou (25/07/2017 06:20)
its is not cheaper hotel for crazy traveler :)
Anjelita Malik (09/04/2017 00:24)
A small town hotel, with very responsive and helpful staff. The home-cooked breakfast is always delicious.
Leonard Craig (17/03/2017 15:27)
I agree this is the best hotel you can find in the Blangkenjeren. Do not expect stars hotel quality, but for the small town, it is the best you can get. Need some improvement on the wifi and air conditioning. Located near a market and the town centre, you have good access to restaurant, police office, post office, bank and atm (BRI).
Adam Zeyd (15/08/2017 01:43)
Best hotel in town
agung ardyanto (14/08/2017 03:37)
Best hotel in town
Maulian Saputra (18/02/2017 11:52)
Pelayanan bagus. Sarapan juga lumayan enak
Zulfikar Zul (05/01/2017 12:28)
Keliling ACEH (18/12/2016 02:48)
Best hotel in Gayo Lues
yusudasa script (14/09/2016 11:48)
Istirahat nyenyak dan nyaman
Putra Riduan (26/06/2016 21:49)
Sangat membantu
reagy muzqufa (23/05/2016 12:29)
Hotel terbaik di Gayo Lues