Komentar :
Ahmad Fauzi (05/05/2018 07:04)
Tempatnya nyaman
oliver froend (08/04/2018 12:09)
Good coffee, nice staff!
Kahar Muzzakar (03/04/2018 16:21)
Kedai/warung kopi yang bernuansa kafe dengan suasana nyaman dan tempat yang asik, dan sepertinya para pengunjung pada momen tertentu disuguhi live music. Hanya saja rasa kopinya sedikit hambar bila dibandingkan dengan kedai/warung kopi gayo lainnya.
Fajar Andre (07/03/2018 15:03)
Salam coffe dri s. Salam
arzi agung (22/02/2018 07:29)
Good coffee
Zen Angkasa (05/12/2017 14:06)
Comportable interior. I feel like citizen from 90th when visitting here..
sugihartono ahmad (09/08/2017 08:21)
Cold brewed wine coffee it's amazing taste
Kisswoyo D (24/11/2017 07:05)
My favourite cafe
Leuser Mentalu (19/06/2017 14:45)
Very perfect place for coffee drink in Blangkejeren
Jeremi Panganiban (03/06/2017 11:51)
Nice ambience
rizki kamal (29/03/2017 12:39)
Maulian Saputra (18/02/2017 14:31)
Good place
Anjelita Malik (25/01/2017 22:49)
Nice place for hanging out, but they need to do something with the toilet that is both far and lacking proper lighting.
Keliling ACEH (18/12/2016 02:46)
Good coffee
miqsyal khalid (19/10/2016 01:06)
Santai dengan live musik
sheila mutia (31/03/2016 00:30)
One of the best coffehouse in Town! Finest in Blangkejeren. i've tried the Peaberry for Tubruk Coffee and it was quite amazing.