Komentar :
ahmad supia (20/05/2018 12:34)
cipta surya nugraha (20/02/2018 23:02)
Good food
Cecep Sihabudin (13/02/2018 04:22)
Available local food taste and good quality . Lot of choices local food here . Good location to acces This store . Best choices for buy gift food for friend or family
fahmi ramadhan (13/02/2018 03:07)
Perfect place to find some merchandise and some homemade snack , the place is easy to find and the parking lot is enough for 4 cars and the road front of the store is really wide or big so you don't have to be worry about the jam. But be careful on the hot weather is really a serious matter because it's really hot so don't forget to use some sunblock.
Dian Mardianto (19/12/2017 00:02)
68 mini hed' ikmbNun
Hendra Yanto (18/06/2017 06:01)
Good place for Garut traditional snack-foods shoping.
wenny chandra gunawan (13/12/2017 12:00)
Dodol picnic dan dodol lainnya yg kiloan mah masih baru.. terasa pada tekturnya.. tp sayang kripik2nya mah kaya yg udh lama .. beli kremes udh brubah rasanya, dan ga ada ED nya lg
Deni Sopiana (06/10/2017 17:03)
Dejat stasiun
Lsa Alia (16/09/2017 00:25)
Tempat oleh oleh khas Garut yg lengkap dgn harga terjangkau malah termasuk murah dibanding dgn toko oleh oleh lain yg kdg semena mena ksh harga,parkir lumayan luas posisi strategis ditengah kota yg pasti langganan keluarga dan teman teman jika mau beli oleh oleh khas Garut
Topan Rizal (15/10/2016 12:04)
Ok food
Andi Saleh (13/03/2016 08:21)
The go-to place for purchasing local souvenir. May look a bit gloomy when they turn off the inside lights at noon high.