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About J.CO Donuts & J.COFFEE Rita Supermall Purwokerto

J.CO Donuts & J.COFFEE Rita Supermall Purwokerto is a cafe, located at Jalan Jend Soedirman No.296, Pereng, Sokanegara, Purwokerto Tim., Kabupaten Banyumas, Jawa Tengah 53116, Indonesia



Item Reviews - 313

Andis Muhammad

" September 2020 promo .. 1 dozen big donut plus 1 diz mini mini mi donut only 135k "

20 September 2020

Ridwan Firdaus

" Cool.. Cozy place to make a small talk "

31 August 2020

Meylani Julya Fadillah

" Good ambience "

29 August 2020

Azzahra Maulidina

" JCo always serves the best products especially in bread and desserts. Love them so much "

08 March 2020

نوح نخلة

" Amazing donuts. Always prepared fresh in front of your eyes. Great for having breakfast or as a snack. Also great variety of bread and cake. Seating areas in-and outdoor available. "

09 February 2020

Benny Pandapotan

" The only one in garut, maybe "

02 February 2020

Tig Julianto

" Tasty hangout place. Outdoor space needs roof cover, too hot "

17 November 2019

Harijanto Kimas

" Enjoy your time here "

19 October 2019

Sugiarto Kusumah

" Best For Hangout "

05 September 2019

Vq Aprillia

" cozy place ...good coffee "

29 August 2019

Risdi Blasted

" good food, good mood "

09 August 2019

Sayyid Muafik Dzikri

" Coffee is good for mind "

26 June 2019

Fajar Domiri

" Try to come on office hours, evening time is the worse, its crowded "

09 June 2019

Vian Hahaha

" Mantap "

09 June 2018

Ayu Kusuma

" tempat nyaman, service cepet juga :) mbak mas nya ramah~ yg penting makanan minumannya enak ehe~ betah deh nongkrong disini "

02 June 2018

Indrawan Saputra

" Gerai Jco di Rest Area Cibubur :)

Lokasinya ada di menuju pintu keluar,,
tersedia tempat duduk indoor dan outdoor,, "

02 June 2018

Dean Harry,Jr

" Food "

02 June 2018

Diki Maulana

" Sama aja "

30 May 2018

Iwan Putra

" Muncul terus kau "

30 May 2018

Hanifah Lopuzz

" Donatnya enak "

30 May 2018

Ajie Teguh R

" This place located in buah batu main street. Parking area is sufficient. But, the traffic around here is horrible.
Btw, i like avocado donut. "

27 May 2018

Chandra Manik

" Nice spot to drink coffee "

26 May 2018

Muhammad Fauzi

" Great services but the sometimes have a long queue "

19 May 2018


" Comfy "

18 May 2018

Muhamad Ali

" Ok "

15 May 2018

Yohanes Hendrawan

" Semua standart jco dan tidak ada hebohnya sama sekali untuk tempat ini "

14 May 2018

Buyung Satria

" Mantuuuul mantap betul dekat rumah "

14 May 2018

Akhmad Arifin

" Delicious "

12 May 2018


" Tempatnya nyaman, cocok buat bersantai ditemani kopi panas dan donuts. Tempat bersih rapih, ada area luar dan dalam yang nyamannya sama. Area Parkir luas. Ada di rest area sebelum keluar pintu tol cibubur. "

11 May 2018

Subiakto Aji Prabowo

" Crowded, not good for hangout "

11 May 2018

Rival Kawulur

" Santai.. kumpul.. makan "

09 May 2018

Arya Sadhana

" Good place, good atmosphere, nice location, spacious car and motorcycle parking lot. They open early at 7 AM and there's no time-based menu so you can basically order anything. They provide a large open-air smoking section facing the street in front, so smokers get the best view. Me love it totally! I ordered glazed donuts and the one with almond sprinkled on top of 'em. Donuts are okay, but just like all J.Co's everywhere the dough is a bit too soft and too sweet for me. I'd love to give a 5-stars rating but if you dunk the donuts in a cup of hot coffee for much less than a second, you'll have a soaking wet donut (and it drips too). I had an Americano and the quality is relatively standard. For my personal preference, they had the beans roasted for too long and too hot. Funny thing is I had better beans when I ordered a pack to go. And I was about to give a 4-stars rating, but the toilet is just awfully dirty, messy and it's located in the back. Outside, second floor, and you have to go up a steel staircase which is comparably dirty. But I have to honestly admit that it is a good place to work and their background music is awesome: Good play list (mostly old times jazzy lounge music) and great ambient sound setting (unlike most cafes in Indonesia). So, 4-stars it is. Fix the toilets and I'd be more than glad to give 'em 5-stars 😊👍 "

08 May 2018

Leon Kawidjaja

" Good Coffee & donuts. Limited seats in Aircon area. Mostly smoking area... "

08 May 2018

Togar Pakpahan

" Donatnya mantap dan membuat siapa saja ketagihan begitu juga dengan minumanya mantap semua "

05 May 2018

Shiwani Tripathi

" Fresh donuts,friendly and courteous staff "

03 May 2018

Emi Listianti

" Mantap "

03 May 2018

Ada Tandi

" Jco selalu menyajikan donat yang nikmat lezat nan gurih yang bikin nagih di tambah dengan dekorasi tempat yang menarik yang membuat semua orang pengen duduk berlama2 disitu "

30 April 2018

Agung Sabarkah Bangkit Pribadi

" Donuts center "

29 April 2018

Irfan Maulana

" Donat nya enak "

26 April 2018

Dewii Puspita

" The donuts are the best. "

25 April 2018

Jerri Simanjuntak

" Good "

24 April 2018

Melky Irawan

" good "

23 April 2018

Tutwuri Handayani

" Sweeter than anything "

22 April 2018

Marvel Imanuel

" Tempatnya bagus (modern), tempatnya nyaman banget and kopi nya enak2, harganya lumayan murah "

19 April 2018

Indri Ariadna

" Tempat nyaman buat nongkrong dan ngopi. Donatnya empuk dan enak. Kopi Americano-nya juga enak, harum. Hanya saja kopi di sini cepet banget dingin padahal pakai mug. WiFi lemot. Yoghurt-nya kecut/asam banget, mahal. 38.000 di foto bawah ini. Harga donat @8000, Americano @23.000, burger @14.000 "

18 April 2018

Abdurohim Boim

" Nice "

17 April 2018

Iwan Putra

" Kasih tiga aja.... "

11 April 2018

Boedy Antz Zerro

" Ok place "

11 April 2018

Mei Huang

" 地點很方便在購物商圈內


綜合版小顆的甜甜圈(24入)吃吃看 "

11 April 2018

Asri Ariningtyas

" Jco selalu enak "

08 April 2018

Shawki Shamsan

" Weekend only "

06 April 2018

Sendy Fitra

" G "

06 April 2018


" The donuts very tasty .... yummy "

29 March 2018

Velia Berliana

" Enak "

26 March 2018

Yudi Setiawan

" nyemil2 donut "

26 March 2018

Rahmat Setiawan

" Good, lumayan bagus buat acara kumpul kumpul atau nungguin keluarga berbelanja "

26 March 2018

Rois Sugiyanto

" Adem tempat nya "

23 March 2018

DEDDY ELMI Kurniawan

" Yesterday I was step by at Breadtalk but I saw JCO donuts table stand which offering JCo donuts, the representative seller told me that the donuts are in discount sale from 131k become 84k only. My wife likes JCo then we decided to buy it for taking home. When try it at home we are very disappointed with the donuts, all donuts are 'bantet' dan keras teksturnya.​ Satu donut saja rasanya kenyang sekali dan bikin eneg, masih enakan donat warung.​ Kapok deh beli JCk donut yg bgtuan, apa mreka buka stand table itu utk menawarkan produk2 yang reject dri outlet resmi atau bgmn, hanya Jco revo town manajemen yg tahu... Males dah beli JCo dsni lg... "

21 March 2018

Setan Kuntilanak

" Nice place "

17 March 2018

Mia Del Rosario

" ✔️Their donuts are yummy and very interestingly named. Their coffee is cheap and good for a quick break. Coffee comes with free donut.
❌Service is mediocre. Takes a long time for a cashier to show up in the coffee register. Got torn bills as my change and when I asked to exchange it, they refused saying the cash register is already closed. They don't serve their donuts for eat-in in a plate so it must be asked for separately. "

16 March 2018

Baihaqy Izy

" My favorite "

15 March 2018

Dhinz 21

" Great "

14 March 2018

Rasya Althaf Fajryan

" Syuuukaaaa sekaliiii..jcocinno ice.. "

13 March 2018


" Harga blm update,tidak sesuai dgn peasanan.
Sedangkan perubahan harga dari bln Januari "by petugasnya" sudah hampir 3 bulan. "

10 March 2018

Jeffrey Teo

" Great coffee and donuts. Free WiFi not working though. "

06 March 2018

Saddam Hasanuddin

" Donut "

01 March 2018

Acep Ridwan

" Abis jalan-jalan wajib mampir ke sini buat nikmatin coffee dan donut/pastry lainnya "

26 February 2018

Andri Kurniawan

" good place "

24 February 2018

Mohd Redza

" Today 16 feb at 1.30pm i had a bad experience at the nagoya hill outlet
I ordered a frappe and was standing near the cashier after i had place my order. At that point there was no order after me and i saw 3 staff near the coffee machine thinking they were blending my frappe. After some time the cashier called me to check my receipt and claimed my order has not been done
I was so annoyed that i refused them to process my order and i demand a refund immediately. The staff do not even bother to apologise
I hope the management of J co can educate the staff to be more attentive. The cafe is not busy but the staff are more happier to talk and laugh
Maybe J co focus on their business rather than giving a good service to their customers so they dont care very much abt customers feesback "

16 February 2018

Zamhari 25

" Good "

16 February 2018

Yulia Maulani

" Enak.... "

14 February 2018

Willy Azmi

" Donatnya enak, tempatnya nyaman, tapi pelayannya kurang senyum sama pelanggan. "

12 February 2018

Dessy Anggraeny

" Interior nya bagus, nyaman ada indoor ada outdoor, ada wifi juga kenceng wifinya, pelayannya juga ramah, tempat nya strategis di tengah kota di dalam mall palma, tempat juga bersih.. "

11 February 2018

Handry Carlos

" Standard taste of jco donut, full of sugar "

10 February 2018

Saskia Nurkholifah Hidayat

" Tempatnya tenang cocok buat santai dan ngobrol. Selain donatnya yang enak dengan berbagai macam rasa disini juga tersedia coffee dan jcool yang gak kalah enak. Setiap pembelian minuman/coffee gratis glazer donat juga loh. "

10 February 2018

Muhamad Jamroni

" Tempatnya nyaman ,bersih "

07 February 2018

Lasahido Saleh

" Mantappp.... Keren buat ngumpul "

03 February 2018

Ade Mardiah

" Good taste, good coffee "

01 February 2018

M. Adjidarmo

" Provide donuts with various toppings, coffee and smoothies. Nice place to take a break. "

27 January 2018

Hilde Sitohang

" Setiap pembelian minuman di jco manapun gratis donat glaze polos setau saya...nah di palangka ini pegawainya kudu diingetin dlu baru ngasih free donat...😑 "

27 January 2018

Suryadi Hertanto

" Sweet donuts. "

27 January 2018

Dini Sentia

" Cozy "

25 January 2018

Ridho Madani

" Nice place to take a break for a while and having a coffee and donuts "

24 January 2018

Tensa Seven

" jco selalu dihati "

24 January 2018

Koniatuz Zahro

" Enak donuts nya "

11 January 2018

Sarah Wahyuni Wiyono

" ok "

11 January 2018

Dwitisya Rizky

" Lumayan pewe untuk ngobrol-ngobrol dan ngerjain tugas.
WiFi cukup stabil "

06 January 2018

Nani Yuliani

" Ok "

27 December 2017

Eartha R

" Good food but always long waitline "

26 December 2017

Muhamad Yudistira Muria

" Its's located on BSD Square. This outlet has quite spacious place to hangout with your friends or doing your assignments alone. It has indoor and outdoor sides and a lot of seats and table. The public restroom is clean but has no sink and mirror. The wifi is working good as well. Overall, good place to killing your time "

26 December 2017

Syaif Muhami Shidiq

" Good place to hangout with friends or to works on project, they have an electrical socket for one who brings their laptop or want to recharge their smartphones "

25 December 2017

Faisal Nurdiansyah

" Not bad "

17 December 2017

Kodja Franco

" Nice place to hang out. Usually crowded. Waiters are friendly and helpful. "

17 December 2017


" Great "

16 December 2017

Abdul Ilah Husen Badjeber

" Mantap "

12 December 2017

Nopitasari Oppi

" Nongkrong asik, nyemil nyenengin, ngumpul ngangenin, ngopi nyegerin, duduk santai yahud, terbaik sudah. kuy kesini lagilah. bertiga paling habis 150an aja kemaren. haha "

29 November 2017

Sania Tantama

" Good, but the later it gets, the dirtier it gets. "

28 November 2017


" Conveniently located. Fast service. Food so so.. "

27 November 2017

Nie Nenk

" Like "

25 November 2017

Tikkhavedo Tunky

" Sering banget nongkrong disini bareng teman-teman main atau rekan kerja atau tempat ketemuan sama tamu-tamu kantor yang jarangnya jauh sama kantor.
Nunggu atau ngobrol-ngobrol disini gak berasa banget dan makin asik kalau ditemani donutsnya dan coffeenya J.CO rasanya enak dan sesuai deh dengan harga jualnya 👍 "

24 November 2017


" Nice place with nice F&B. "

24 November 2017

Doni Harvadiansyah

" One of my favorite place "

22 November 2017

Futria Hernawandi

" Nice place for those who looking for enjoyable for doing your task, or reading etc. the wifi is fast as well. everything so good but the parking are is too small, especially for car. "

19 November 2017

Jacksen Merson

" Donuts are up to standard (if too sweet) and there are plenty of variations of it. Drinks are mostly top notch, especially the coffee. The cashier system has improved tremendously, and the service is all friendly and fast. Very pleased to see huge improvements on their service and I hope they keep their great service consistent.

UPDATE2: Yeah, maybe not. The service was much worse the last time I came. Asked for a lukewarm tea, received an incredibly hot cup of tea instead. Asked for normal temp water to balance the temp, instead the bartender threw the teabag (which wasn't even a min inside) and put ice cubes inside! With service this inconsistent, I don't think I can recommend this cafe to tourists. "

18 November 2017

Vivi Lianti Dian Putri

" donatnya dbest "

14 November 2017

Nurwan Farid

" Best donuts, Smoothies & coffee "

07 November 2017

Larasati Astari

" Larasatiastari.moivekastari "

07 November 2017

Tanti Nurlina

" One and only in garut, i'm so happy come to my place because it's bring change to be a growth city "

06 November 2017

Ruddi Mohd

" Tempat nongkrong yang enak dan nyaman bisa order kopi di sini "

06 November 2017

Wahid Hasyim

" It's okay "

05 November 2017

Dedeyudi Nuryana

" daerah grt cuman ada disini, di ramayana mall. "

29 October 2017

Queq Smile

" Enak sih donatnya,kalau toping esnya ditambahkan dong.... "

27 October 2017

Louis Rogers

" Mixed results here. I ask for a hot coffee and get a Luke warm one. 😐. Donut was yesterday's. However 80% of the time it's good.
Putty never gets my order wrong but she is not working at this time.
Malcolm "

27 October 2017

Darul Haulana

" Saran saya J.Co harus kerja sama dengan grabfood jd klo mw pesen tinggal pesen lewat grabfood aja "

24 October 2017

Adnan Shaury

" Cufok "

21 October 2017

Doni Harvadiansyah

" One of my favorite place "

21 October 2017

Farrah Salim

" Taking away SuperCreamy mocha frappe and healthy yoghurt for friday night riding with my soulmate. J.CO means great coffee and tasty treats "

20 October 2017

Hubbi Nashrullah Muhammad

" JCo is JCo "

18 October 2017

Janu Hizkia

" Best "

18 October 2017

Gabriel Kalalo

" Cozy place with new design, good coffee and donut, reasonable price. "

17 October 2017

Araya Guesthouse Malang&BSD City

" Layanan pesan antarnya ok, tempat cukup nyaman. "

17 October 2017

Veyz El Abadi

" convenient place, thumbs up for the interior style, so many nice photo spot "

08 October 2017

Lasahido Saleh

" Keren buat ngumpul, rasa donat nya khas, banyak pilihan rasa "

07 October 2017

Sindy Rahmadani

" I can eat all the donuts😂 "

06 October 2017

Miss Olive

" Lumayan buat kongkow2.... "

01 October 2017

Yuzzie Maharto

" Lezat "

24 September 2017

Muhammad Ichsan

" Spacious, clean, and most of the time quiet J.CO outlet. Foods and drinks are as expected quiet nice and you got free glazed donut for every drink purchase. Must visit place in this area if you want to relax a lil bit from the road. "

22 September 2017

Budi Purwantoni

" Kualitas bahan dan rasa donat tak perlu diragukan lagi enak. Untuk sekedar ngobrol dan kumpul-kumpul jg cukup nyaman. "

22 September 2017

Wahyu Saputra

" Cappuccino late mantap 👍🏻👍🏻 "

21 September 2017

Choirul Anwar

" Beli buat oleh oleh "

18 September 2017

Arifin Aliwara

" J co yg harganya terjangkau dan tempatnya nyaman "

14 September 2017

Queq Smile

" Enak sih donatnya,kalau toping esnya ditambahkan dong.... "

09 September 2017

Siti Imas Masruroh

" Paling suka nongkrong di 😎 "

06 September 2017

Fatwa Arifin

" the only one jco outlet who had it's building alone. not inside the mall so it makes fast accessable. "

04 September 2017

Nasrullah Nyah

" Santai n joss kopinya...kangen kopi Aceh, bolehlah kesini. "

03 September 2017


" Sukaaaa semuanya...;) "

29 August 2017

Dennis Jayeck

" Sedang ada promo beli 2 JPops gratis 1. Standar Jco pada umumnya, tapi agak berisik karena tepat di pojokan blok "

26 August 2017

Gusman Adi

" Friendly staff, nice place for meetup and get things done while having a glass of coffee. Sometimes it get a long queue during weekends and also Quite noisy whenever the mall held an event. "

21 August 2017

Syahril Dimas Sabirin

" Rasa donatnya lembut, lezat, dan mantap! :D "

20 August 2017

Paramitha Nurapriliani

" A nice place to stop by whenever I am in the area. Most of the time I have to park my car at McDonald's though. "

20 August 2017

Mbie Bhotax

" Not friendly cashier.. "

15 August 2017

Benny Herlambang

" Usual J.Co.. Japan Cheese tart also available now.. "

12 August 2017

Syahril Dimas Sabirin

" Mantap dab :) "

11 August 2017

Wawan Kopin

" Hahhahahhahaaa lembut "

07 August 2017

Ediyansyah Rahman

" Maknyuss baik donat maupun kopinya "

01 August 2017

Arya Sadhana

" Good place, good atmosphere, nice location, spacious car and motorcycle parking lot. They open early at 7 AM and there's no time-based menu so you can basically order anything. They provide a large open-air smoking section facing the street in front, so smokers get the best view. Me love it totally! I ordered glazed donuts and the one with almond sprinkled on top of 'em. Donuts are okay, but just like all J.Co's everywhere the dough is a bit to soft and to sweet for me. I'd love to give a 5-stars rating but if you dunk the donuts in a cup of hot coffee for much less than a second, you'll have a soaking wet donut (and it drips too). I had an Americano and the quality is relatively standard. For my personal preference, they had the beans roasted for too long and too hot. Funny thing is I had better beans when I ordered a pack to go. And I was about to give a 4-stars rating, but the toilet is just awfully dirty, messy and it's located in the back. Outside, second floor, and you have to go up a steel staircase which is comparably dirty. But I have to honestly admit that it is a good place to work and their background music is awesome: Good play list (mostly old times jazzy lounge music) and great ambient sound setting (unlike most cafes in Indonesia). So, 4-stars it is. Fix the toilets and I'd be more than glad to give 'em 5-stars 😊👍 "

31 July 2017

Sopi Soleh Mahmud

" Mantap rasanyooo "

29 July 2017

DigieCut ID

" sukakk sama J.CO semua yang disajikan enak dan harga sesuai deh sama rasa yang disajikan "

26 July 2017

Fredy Tumundo

" Quite hot here, ac not functioning well but still great donuts though "

25 July 2017

Luqman Hafidz

" The que is kinda long sometimes, but the place is cozy. "

19 July 2017

Aprian To

" Good "

18 July 2017

Bobby Lioe

" Cepat, gampang dan mudah... "

16 July 2017

Aldi Rizaldi

" Ok "

14 July 2017

Ahat GS

" Recommended as hang out place with frirnds and family. Must try their yogurt. Taste fantastic!! "

13 July 2017

Eddy Warista

" Cari JCO yang lebih tenang? Tempat ini bisa jadi alternatifnya. "

08 July 2017

Yuni Sahelan

" Donatnya enak empuk tempatnya nyaman wifi nya lancar "

08 July 2017

Juhdi Tapel

" J.Co "

07 July 2017

Parasian Luat

" Bisa nonton bola di sini, tv nya gede dan banyak... "

06 July 2017

Risma Wulandari

" Ini adalah satu-satunya yang ada di garut dan di sini anda akan menikmati berbagai hidangan kopi,donat, dan disert lainnya seperti cookies dan eskrim "

06 July 2017

Yohanes Software Network

" The first time we knew there is an avocado donuts..
Good choice for the ice avocado coffee complement. :P "

05 July 2017

Istingadah Desiana

" Convenient place to study & have conversations, though the toilet is located outside the cafe & on 2nd floor "

03 July 2017

Mefi Suhanda

" Ngopi santai...tempat nyaman.. "

02 July 2017

Naomi Adriana

" Kesini tuh malesnya sering banget penuh jadi harus antri lumayan panjang "

29 June 2017

Tom Fisk

" Good coffee and treats. "

28 June 2017

Rayhan Hasibuan

" Delicious "

27 June 2017

Kotik Priyanto

" so much jco donuts...😍😍😍😍😍😍 "

26 June 2017

Arzalia Maria

" delicious drinks and donuts
enjoy live music from jco terrace every weekend night "

25 June 2017

Gerhard Aditama

" Good place to get yummy donuts "

25 June 2017

Edo Bagas Prakoso

" Good food. High price. Joyable. Nice place "

23 June 2017

Ernie Artha

" Loved it for hangout "

19 June 2017

Asep Ginanjar

" nearest cafe to the music stage "

15 June 2017

Rayhan Hasibuan

" Tempat yang pas buat sekedar nongkrong, kerjain tugas, atau cuma ngobrol2. Dan selain donut, disini juga disediakan berbagai macam minuman dan yogurt buat santai santai. "

11 June 2017

Adi Wirabuana

" Good place "

10 June 2017

Jamhari VINIX

" Sangat enak rasanya, kalau wekend pasti ngantri kalau mau beli. Saking banyaknya yang mau beli. "

07 June 2017

Wisnu Yusuf

" Keren tempatnya "

06 June 2017

Iman Prastyo

" I consider as a small one. Not so complete selection. Out of stock for some option "

04 June 2017

Ifan Blackmore

" good enough for hang out....... "

03 June 2017

Wawan Ridwan

" Enak tampatnya "

30 May 2017

Zukhrufar Rahmaan

" Tempat nongkrong yang rame, terkadang suka penuh tempatnya. Namun sangat disayangkan belum mendapatkan sertifikasi "Halal" dari MUI yang berarti ke "Halal"annya masih di pertanyaan. "

23 May 2017

Rajawali Robert

" The place quite good and good location. The taste of the donuts is one of the best donut in Indonesia. "

17 May 2017

Ervan Adhitya

" Great place to just chill and or hangout with friends, but gets crowdy and have long queue lines at times. "

13 May 2017

Putrii Maesaroh230523

" Saya dekat dengan mall grand dadap city "

12 May 2017

Gas Engine

" 👍👍👍👍👍👍 "

12 May 2017

Zulkarnain Ahmad

" Anniversary J.Co Donuts lumayan diskon nya sampe antri "

10 May 2017

Jacksen Merson

" Donuts are up to standard (if too sweet) and there are plenty of variations of it. Drinks are mostly top notch, especially the coffee. Unfortunately, the cashier management is a mess, especially when you just want to buy drinks. There are two cashiers (one for drinks only, another for both donuts and drinks) but only the latter is usually available, which makes buying drinks frustrating, to say the least. "

02 May 2017

Jacksen Merson

" Fantastic, friendly service. Donuts are usually too sweet but most like it this way. Coffee is generally good and the place is usually comfortable but not always. "

02 May 2017

Novita P

" Nyaman banget ngopi disini "

01 May 2017


" This place really good, have a delicious donuts but a queue area it's very tired. "

24 April 2017

Yogi Herlambang

" mantap "

21 April 2017

Lesing Indoquip

" Apakah di grand dadap city j co ada wifi nya? "

20 April 2017

Eka Putra

" Super coffe nya mantap "

17 April 2017

Ifan Blackmore

" Americano coffee was so good, right place to take rest after shopping..... "

14 April 2017


" Rude and arrogant cashier who only cares about what the customer wears. When wealth is not shown this person behind the jcoffee cashier prioritises other people and talks rudely depending on what the person wears. Not recommended to go to J'co Nagoya Hill for poor service. "

12 April 2017

Yusuf Parikesit

" comfie... "

09 April 2017

Dianita Prahmila

" Easy access, delish donut, good coffee. Plus the interior is quite cozy. Seems like a perfect place to do your work/assignment, only that its hard to find table at peak hour and poor wifi connection. "

08 April 2017

Nyte Saza

" Mantaaabb sdh ada Jco dikota saya. Mungkin karena masih baru antrinya luar biasa.....😄😄😄 "

07 April 2017

Anies Heriyanto

" Cocok buat tempat mampir sebentar para traveller yang cape atau ngantuk... donut dan coffee menghilangkan penat "

07 April 2017

CS Mulia

" Donuts and drinks "

30 March 2017

Hermawan Sabdono

" Es krimnya.... hmmmm enakkk "

28 March 2017

Jemmy Setiawan

" First JCO @Puertorico
Nongkrong kekinian yang cukup menguras kantong,ngopi sambil free wifi 40K "

25 March 2017

Putu Adhi Purwanto

" Layalnya J.Co pada umumnya, bersih, nyaman "

25 March 2017

Indra Susanto

" Mantap sekarang bisa order via go food "

19 March 2017

Bambang Haryono

" Sip "

18 March 2017

Elbert Soekmaji

" Sugar high "

17 March 2017

Kukuh Aji Irianda

" Nice place "

12 March 2017

Juwita Triana

" Many variant of food and drink. The service is good and fast. "

07 March 2017

Welli Karunia

" Side to side with Starbuck 😄 "

06 March 2017

Ihza Ahmad

" Pads "

02 March 2017

Irvan Tjandra

" Neighboring with mcd buah batu, nice and cozy place "

26 February 2017

Muhammad Nizar

" J.CO pertama di kota Purwokerto. Lokasi di RITA SuperMall. Hari ini, Kamis, 23 Februari 2017 sudah resmi buka. "

24 February 2017

Wildan Syauqi

" Free wifi there "

23 February 2017

Sylvia Pritasari

" Kapan buka nih "

17 February 2017

Imrul Hasan

" I like this place "

17 February 2017

Herfien Arsyad

" Mantap buat kongkow "

16 February 2017

Muhammad Nizar

" J.Co pertama di kota Purwokerto. Lokasi di Rita Supermall. Opening soon. "

11 February 2017

Dlite Nonna

" Ngantrinyaa luar biasaa kalo weekend.. wkkwk "

10 February 2017

Angelina Karu

" Tempat nongkrong asiikkkk 😊 "

09 February 2017


" Lokasi strategis dan nyaman namun kondisi meja/kursi kurang terawat. "

07 February 2017

Samuel David Wang

" Hanging out with coffee in cikarang "

04 February 2017

Amel Anjani

" Donat kelas dunia dan.... "

04 February 2017

Side Young

" Tempatnya pw buat ngobrol, donat&yogurtnya enaak "

03 February 2017

Dap Oer

" You can watch live music from jco.. "

03 February 2017

John Jh

" menu: 3* (standard
suasana: 4* (agak terpencil, jadi cukup tenanglah untuk bekerja) "

01 February 2017

Katarina Branković

" Super friendly staff. Nice and very clean place. Fast and efficient service. I got complementary donut :) "

01 February 2017

Franciano Lengkong

" Same as many jco outlet, proffesional and good atmosphere..good seating, for business or hang out... "

28 January 2017

Dian Haryono

" Donat nya lembut, enak dan terjangkau, Diskon nya gede lho "

28 January 2017

Pongky Man

" Enak "

25 January 2017

Iman Prastyo

" Prime location and easy to find to buy donuts "

20 January 2017

David R

" Good location for Saturday night live music as it is right next to the main stage.
Power plug everywhere so you can charge your laptop or phone while eating and working. "

15 January 2017

Zam Ghozy

" Have bad espresso and americano.
Worst service cz they do tricky suggestion "

14 January 2017


" Terletak di CSB.. "

13 January 2017

Ayka Aykaa

" Great chain, crowded with students in after hours "

10 January 2017

Irfan Irawan

" Nice "

10 January 2017

Kharisma Wardana

" Tempat nongkrong kekinian "

08 January 2017

Ganinda Yamacika

" Disini enak, cuma tempatnya gak terlalu besar "

06 January 2017

Bayu Rakhman

" Just like other jco "

04 January 2017

Leonard Putra

" Nice place to get some coffee and donuts. "

01 January 2017

Andry Hermawan

" berlokasi di dalam area Mal Balcony, tempatnya cukup nyaman dan donatnya sangat lembut untuk dimakan, the best dessert pokoknya..!! "

01 January 2017

Irham Raenaldi

" Jco nya ramai terus "

30 December 2016

Jacksen Merson

" Donuts are amazing and there are plenty of variations of it. Drinks are mostly top notch and there is also froyo! "

28 December 2016

Abdurahman Hasan

" Nice..
Tp pelayan ny kurang senyum nya hhe..
Jutek ajeh 😅 "

27 December 2016

Ismail Dwi Prakosa

" GOOD for all "

22 December 2016

Taufik Ismail

" suka banget beli donat disini hehe ❤ "

21 December 2016

Dakri Laufy

" Kesukaan anak-anak "

20 December 2016


" Hati2 dengan salah satu pelayan cewek yg agak maksa harus beli 1 lusin dengan alasan kotak untuk 1/2 lusin habis. Padahal customer dibelakang bisa beli 1/2 lusin dengan pelayan lain. "

09 December 2016

Heru Nurcahyo

" Hot chocolate oke, tapi kurang panas "

03 December 2016

Muhammad Sadeli

" Duplikat spot dengan J.Co Donuts yang lain "

26 November 2016

Aep Saipul Bahri

" Ok "

25 November 2016

Vincent Lee

" Place just renovated and the new place is awesome "

07 November 2016

Supriadi Hadi Mulyono

" Comfy place "

04 November 2016

Hargo Dwi

" Cozy Place ! "

29 October 2016

Ryanda Putra

" Semua donatnya enak-enak dan lembut digigit. Bisa habisin semua donat dalam 1 kotak sendirian. Haha. Jenis-jenis bervariasi, bisa pilih sendiri dalam satu kotak itu. Bisa bawa pulang atau makan di tempat. Untuk harga sesuai dengan kualitasnya "

16 October 2016

Mulyanto Kms

" Maknyuus kopinya.... "

09 October 2016

Sofan Arif

" Klo hari libur psti ngantrinya pnjang "

09 October 2016

Myrza Febi

" I got my special Jcoccino "

06 October 2016

Liang XJinx Chuan

" Pelayanan nya memuaskan dan tersedia tempat duduk di luar dan dalam serta mempunyai 2 pintu. Tempat santai menghabiskan waktu sebelum menonton film. "

18 September 2016

Arnold Saputra

" JCo donuts in MOI has grat ambiance to hang out or wait for a friends. It has great taste of donuts and ice coffee. The price is friendly, you should try the yoghurt. "

13 September 2016

Dewi Widowati

" Suka banget sama J. COOL Frozen Yoghurt nya 💕 "

08 September 2016

Samuel Edyson

" Love J.Co donuts and especially the tiramisu doughnut. The seating planning is ample and love the dual outdoor seating (one by mall's sidewalk and another by inner mall walkway). Can be easily spotted after entering mall area from back entrance. "

07 September 2016

Insan Syarif

" Right in front of McDonalds. What could possibly go wrong with international food chain. "

07 September 2016


" Pelayanannya cukup ok "

05 September 2016

VR Kris

" Good. Sering ramai. Enak untuk nongkrong "

02 September 2016

Chris Ray

" Favorite place for drink coffee,tea etc "

28 August 2016

Abeng Fariz

" Espresso nya enak... pas.. Aku suka :-) "

28 August 2016

Frederick Setjadiningrat

" Do yourself a favor, and rethink going inside. The sandwich is poorly made for the price, wonders whether a chef with good palate helped in making the concept. The iced chocolate is a bad idea, a watered down chocolate with a lot of ice cubes. The yogurt is slightly melted at serving. Employees are not attentive nor friendly enough. Ambiance is mediocre for small business (not big franchise standard). The furnitures old and uncomfortable, luckily the interior design is good in spacing and lighting. The price is unjustified. "

26 August 2016

Anggyta Putra

" Ok "

23 August 2016


" merupakan kue modern terenak yang pernah ku makan "

19 August 2016

Ferry Ei

" Nice place for rewind n remind a moment.. "

16 August 2016

Wahyu Munajat

" Maknyooosss.... Recommended donatnya. "

31 July 2016

Muhammad Fajar Arif

" Donut + coffe...mantabs "

24 July 2016

Felix Andrian

" J.Co mantab!! "

19 July 2016

Ikhsan Fajar

" donatnya enak... kualitasnya pasti... dan beraneka ragam jenis dan rasanya... mau cari donat ya kesini saja "

19 July 2016

Ferry Sutanto

" Great donuts. Cheaper coffee compared to Starbucks "

17 July 2016

Ilham Wahyu Alfian

" Donat JCO memang mantap "

15 July 2016

Gábor Varga

" Good tasting coffee. Great selection of donuts "

14 July 2016

Grab Online

" Oke "

13 July 2016

Irsan Sirius

" Nice place to hang out and have a cup of coffee, don't forget the donuts, taste really good. "

13 July 2016

Aku Padamu

" emang mantap.. kopi nya bikin senat senut... "

07 July 2016

Faridah Fang

" IG: jcoindonesia ♡

Tempatnya kecil tapi selalu rame. "

29 June 2016

Bob Van Velzen

" Of all the JCO's I visited these guys were the fastest! That might explain the temperature of my cappuccino, but still very good!

Did you know they sell doughnut sandwiches? It's the unicorn of finger food! "

28 June 2016

Manunggal Lukman

" Good seeing "

25 June 2016

R Fahsa

" Comfortable place to kill time when waiting for CGV movies "

13 June 2016

Faridah Fang

" IG: jcoindonesia ♡

Tempatnya kecil tapi selalu rame. "

11 June 2016

Faridah Fang

" Duplicate "

05 June 2016


" Enjoy "

19 May 2016

Muhammad Al-Furqon Setyo Utomo

" Kalau weekend sering antri "

11 May 2016

Jacksen Merson

" Donuts are amazing and there are plenty of variations of it. Drinks are mostly top notch and I loved the J.Cool as well. (You should try J.Cool Twist!)

If there's anything bad, it's the place. They have the old vintage theme on it, but the place is pretty hot. The staff often put the doors open, meaning the air con is not much used in that place.

Otherwise, if you want a quick coffee and a donut, this is the place you wanted. I just hope they enabled the air con and closed the door, so it can get cool enough to be comfortable. If they do that, I might consider putting 5 stars. "

17 April 2016

Farrah Dyna Widiastuty

" Jumat kemaren (15/04/16), saya ke jco tangcit ini, saya beli 1 lusin donat, sama jcool single. Trus byar, sy dibilang dpt bonus sandwich gtu. Saya pun pilih aja krena ya dipikir lumayan dpt bonus (pdhal kmrennya, 14/04, sy bru beli 1 lusin donat jco juga di jco plaza atrium senen tapi kok gak dpet apa2 gtu ya mkirnya) dan karena buru2 jg dan bayar pake debit, saya gak perhatiin harga byar (dan krna saya percaya kasirnya gak macem2 lah). Nah pas akhirnya smpat liat struk byar, kok saya byar 1 lusin donat jd 96ribu ya? Pdhal kmrennya di jco atrium, saya cm byar 76ribu! (Dan saya memang hafalnya hrga 1 lusin donat jco 70ribuan). Trus, hrga jcool singlenya 21ribu di struk. Sy sih trakhir beli jcool hrganya msih 15ribu (dan udh trmsuk satu topping). Trus sy inget kmren mbak kasirnya smpet bilang klo mau tmbah topping tmbah 6ribu, jd saya simpulin topping saya kmren byar jg dong ya, krna 15+6 kan jdi 21 ya.. Nah klo soal jcool ini sih sy gak bgtu yakin apa emang hrga jcool single udh naik atau hrga yg saya byar kmren diapa2in, sy gak tau. Sbgai pnyuka donat jco, saya sih masih rasa kecewa trhdap jco tangcit, dan jujur blm bisa mnyempatkan diri lg utk balik ke tangcit. But I will ask if I go there slma sy blm ktmu jwabannya. Ini sih bukan soal dilebihin yg cm sbsar 20ribuan ya, lebih ke keterbukaan soal kejujuran pelayanan aja. Klo kira2 ada yg bisa bantu jwab, dgn senang hati saya terima penjelasannya. Terima kasih. "

17 April 2016

Bayu Fauzi

" The donut was the same, but they look a bit soggy. "

03 March 2016

Steven Ng

" Satu-satunya gerai jco di daerah bsd city ! Harus coba donat rasa alpukat 😋 "

26 February 2016

Samuel Lumentut

" Selalu bawa pulang donut ini kalo main ke puri mall. Anak saya doyan banget makan sugar icing dan glazzy donut entah kenapa. Kalo menurut saya sih Jco omelet yang lebih enak. Frozen Yogurt nya kasar dan kalah enak dari sour sally.

Harga 1 lusin donut sekitar 72 ribu Rupiah.
Harga minuman disini sekitar 25 sampai 40 ribu Rupiah per gelas. "

18 February 2016

Gary Palit

" 1. The donuts here are frequently low in stock.
2. No cronuts available.
3. The room temperature is too warm.
4. The wifi is terribly slow! "

11 February 2016

James Adhitthana

" It is not that comfortable here. The Citywalk Jco is much better. "

08 February 2016

Ricky Sakty

" saya membeli J.cappucino tre , untuk rasa sih oke tapi pelayanan kurang memuaskan , mungkin dikarenakan sudah mau tutup para karyawan tidak serius , pesanan saya sedikit pending karena mereka bercanda-canda ,padahal saya sedang buru-buru , mohon kerja nya di fokuskan "

18 January 2016

Sentramenter Joker

" Masih dalam pembicaraan telepon malah di tinggal, tanpa ada permisi, sopan santun nya di mana? Cara pelayanan yang benar" buruk... "

13 December 2015

Steven Sutantro

" Best donuts in town. Comfy place with tasty chocolate! "

12 December 2015

Craig Hansen

" Great staff, usually clean and comfy couches. Best hot chocolate in Jakarta, especially if you want more milk and less chocolate, they actually get it the right way around. Always smiling staff. "

11 December 2015

Andrew Andree

" Pelayanannya oke, seperti biasa, nonkrong di dilengkapi dengan berbagai pilihan donut, coffee dan aneka ragam dessert lainnya "

02 December 2015

Eriksson Lie

" Love the yoghurt and drinks. Nice place and affordable. "

29 November 2015

Antoni Wiguna

" Donatnya enak "

27 November 2015

Revan Evan

" strawberry donuts yummy.... 👍 "

27 November 2015

Antoni Wiguna

" Donatnya enak "

25 November 2015

Wahyudi Aja

" Dibatam lh ku bsa belajar tentang pengalaman "

02 November 2015

Bayu Hernanto

" Semuanya bagus, tapi sepi. "

21 October 2015

Dutch IT

" Wide choice of donuts and simply good coffee. "

28 July 2015

Nada Nadifa

" Good place "

22 May 2015

Tommy Yohanes

" Bego pegawenya ogah ogahan n cuek waktu ngelayain pelanggan "

18 May 2015

Ghazi Alrazig

" Rehat "

30 January 2015

Ahmad Ardiyansyah

" mantap "

03 January 2015

Rian Yulianto W

" sedep donatnya "

06 November 2014

Adzie Racka

" cozyyy "

01 November 2014

A Google User

" donat plus cappucinno "

27 June 2011

A Google User

" jcool, jco, semuanya!! sluurrp! "

04 March 2011

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  • Saturday 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Sunday 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM