Komentar :
Dewii Puspita (25/04/2018 06:12)
The donuts are the best.
Abdurohim Boim (17/04/2018 05:34)
Arkxandria (29/03/2018 04:49)
The donuts very tasty .... yummy
Nie Nenk (25/11/2017 13:31)
Doni Harvadiansyah (22/11/2017 11:38)
One of my favorite place
Nurwan Farid (07/11/2017 02:25)
Best donuts, Smoothies & coffee
Tanti Nurlina (06/11/2017 16:01)
One and only in garut, i'm so happy j.co come to my place because it's bring change to be a growth city
tanti nurlina (06/11/2017 16:01)
One and only in garut, i'm so happy j.co come to my place because it's bring change to be a growth city
dedeyudi nuryana (28/10/2017 23:31)
J.co daerah grt cuman ada disini, di ramayana mall.
Risma Wulandari (06/07/2017 10:38)
Ini adalah satu-satunya j.co yang ada di garut dan di sini anda akan menikmati berbagai hidangan kopi,donat, dan disert lainnya seperti cookies dan eskrim