Komentar :
dery kurniawan (17/11/2018 12:33)
nice place
Nugraha Isnan (10/11/2018 03:23)
kartika tarwati (19/07/2018 10:57)
Good place to spend a night with family. The view in the morning is beautiful but just be careful for those who have cold allergies coz the is very cold in the morning
Ekynaldi Eky (21/02/2018 04:05)
It's a simple hotel with nice atmosphere. I like this place with a big pond full of big fishes.
The minus is somehow you cannot control the hot and cold water, sometimes you will have a hot water for hours and suddenly turned to be cold again and it happen again and again
Andi Pratama Syahputra (06/01/2018 08:48)
no wifi, spooky, no bath facilities, looks like alcatraz
Marliana Muliawati (06/09/2017 01:30)
Good view
Gumilar Darajat (11/05/2017 01:20)
Personal hotspring pool in my bathroom...cool 😁
Hubert August (19/09/2016 11:47)
Clean, tidy, worth for the money
Ganiar Oktaviansyah (04/07/2017 15:35)
Wawan Widyawan (31/01/2017 10:36)
- Cocok untuk pasangan baru atau keluarga.
- Tempatnya nyaman bisa parkir mobil di depan kamar
- Ada fasilitas aula dan mushola
Rahmi Kasri (24/12/2016 12:47)
Lumayan bersih dan rapi. Agak shock ternyata dpt kamar no.5 dan baru nyadar ternyata kamar sebelah udah ganti 3 kali tamu semalaman hahahhaha
jukijuk jukijuk.jukijuk (11/07/2016 06:36)
SSJBN2014 Bandung (25/01/2015 08:31)
ahsin gani (22/09/2016 00:19)
Bangunan kurang modern, tidak ada sampo dan sikat gigi, tp oke untuk sekedar tidur. Plusnya ada air panas
cucu setiawan (19/09/2016 11:47)
Clean, tidy, worth for the money
Paat Commpo (22/08/2016 22:33)
murah, bersih ada masjidnya
aan harjany (28/12/2015 06:54)
Enak,tempatnya luas
Heru Hernadi S (05/04/2014 12:45)
Lokasi tepat pertigaan jl. Cipanas lama dan cipanas baru,
Ada kolam permainan untuk keluarga, kendaraan dapat diparkir di depan kamar, harga terjangkau