Komentar :
Dini Endah Purwati Ningsih (25/07/2020 07:16)
Sometimes helper enough
OPIK KARNAWAN (21/05/2020 07:18)
Idris Supriadi (04/02/2020 03:03)
Azzahra Maulidina (21/12/2019 12:59)
Good food, good deal for the prices, comfortable place, and there is a fat catπ
CallMe MRWD (15/11/2019 06:16)
I love it
vitri yani (12/10/2019 04:04)
Geprek bensu very good,,,
Ryan Kanata (22/04/2019 01:01)
Finally! My favorite geprek chicken is also in Garut
BTW, the location of the restaurant is quite strategic.
And on the inside, the restaurant is comfortable because it's really cool, it's clean and the chairs are neatly arranged.
There is a prayer room on the back that is quite comfortable
Because many are curious about the present food. So if here the parking lot is often full. And the line is always long
The main thing is that you want to eat here. It must be dexterous, the order first ... Because it's going to queue up really ...
**For the picture I'm sorry I gave the some blur mosaic, because my mother didn't want her face to be shared on social media -regard me her sons
Ryan Syambayu (21/04/2019 09:36)
Finally! My favorite geprek chicken is also in Garut
BTW, the location of the restaurant is quite strategic.
And on the inside, the restaurant is comfortable because it's really cool, it's clean and the chairs are neatly arranged.
There is a prayer room on the back that is quite comfortable
Because many are curious about the present food. So if here the parking lot is often full. And the line is always long
The main thing is that you want to eat here. It must be dexterous, the order first ... Because it's going to queue up really ...
**For the picture I'm sorry I gave the some blur mosaic, because my mother didn't want her face to be shared on social media -regard me her sons
Rian Pamungkas Rahmatulloh (03/01/2019 14:40)
Others bensu. But too much to waiting. The tastd not good enough.
Tandi W (11/08/2019 13:17)
Ismail Ihsan (28/05/2019 20:58)
Anwar Munawar (11/04/2019 14:15)
reksi fajars (03/12/2018 09:22)
Well done ,cheaps and tasty
Artsa Bartsa (25/06/2018 04:27)
Very spicy food
Hin Hin Farida (05/10/2018 05:11)
Akhirnyah ! Ayam geprwk si makanan kekinian di instagram ada juga di Garut
Oiya , Lokasi rumah makan nya cukup strategis .
Dan di bagian dalam, Rumah makannya nyaman karena adem banget, bersih dan kursi nya tertata rapi.
Ada mushola di bagian belakang yang cukup nyaman
Karena banyak yang penasaran dengan makanan kekinian ini. Jadi kalau kesini parkirannya sering kali penuh. Dan antreannya panjang selalu
Pokoknya yang mau makan disini. Harus cekatan deh ya order duluan..Karena bakalan ngantri banget...
Dwiarti Handayani (25/09/2018 03:25)
Buat anak anak ga cocok. Minta pisah sambel aja ga boleh, SOP segala. Texas chicken ajalah, pelayannya lebih ramah nd open banget (apa karena gw sering ke texas ya??). Mudah mudahan om Bensu lebih care soal ini. Bolehlah sambel dipisah terutama buang anak kecil
Iman Sule (17/07/2018 11:29)
Awa Lukman (22/06/2018 13:28)
New place, always full...
Ramdhan Febrian Zaelani (12/04/2018 13:42)
Saya sangat bahagia, karena geprek bensu buka di kota kelahiran saya....
Dan yang pasti tidak pernah bosan datng kesini..
Rinaldi Adam (11/04/2018 12:18)
Tempat ordernya cuma 1 dan staff lambat.
antrian cuma 3 orang dan saya harus menunggu +-20menit berdiri. dan itu hanya pada saat pemesanan. belum lagi menunggu pesanan yang bisa sampai +-40menit lagi.
Saran :
di jam sibuk. Tambah kasir jadi 2. seengaknya mengurangi antrian orang berdiri.
James V (21/03/2018 08:42)
Ini tempat udah berganti2 usaha...
smoga sukses...
Riri Hafsah (17/03/2018 09:47)
Tutup..ganti sama geprek bensu
toni suprianto (25/07/2017 14:12)
Saya memang kelahiran garut, tapi lama di kalimantan barat, tempat ini sangat nyaman di temani musik dari playlistnya astro jadi menambah nuansa nongkrong yang kekinian. Ntar kalo pulkam lagi bakal kesini lagi deh...