Komentar :
Shopanamirazulfa 98 (21/04/2018 13:06)
When i remember about this place, Alun-alun Cikajang. Many memorize was i did there. That are not just a place where the people is coming for recreation, for less them tired, for pray (coz this place still in same location with the mosque),but also i get, or find my answer of question heart, maybe 😊yea, exactly when i am more near to the creator who has create this heart.
Achmad Aflatun Ersyad (30/03/2018 14:40)
Usep Haerudin (23/03/2018 10:28)
Yudi Triana Wahyudi (07/03/2018 11:08)
Pian Sopian (13/01/2018 02:19)
Nice place for pray an rest
ai surtina (14/12/2017 12:55)
Sweet memories...
Ratieh Purbasari (25/11/2017 02:46)
sya'banul maulawi (13/09/2017 23:14)
Our center city
Ryan Marciano (20/08/2017 11:35)
Arpan Pbun (23/07/2017 07:03)
Ferry 94 (30/06/2017 10:39)
Cecep Irman (26/06/2017 05:34)
Alun" cikajang...salah satu trmlat kumpul"...
Tapi saya sarankan..ini kan tempat ibadah..jadi mohon di koreksi lagi aturan"nya..jngn sampe di salah gunakn.
Budi Suprapto (24/02/2017 19:17)
Dingin aroma cikuray. Mau ke kampung olen lewat sini
Ahmad Sopi (04/02/2017 10:16)
dedeyudi nuryana (26/12/2016 16:01)
Banyak anak sekolah atau komunitas yg nongkrong ,, lebih baik di bikin peraturan yg lebih bijak,, untuk menghindari anggapan org yg negatif.
Dadi Mulyadi (05/09/2016 10:37)
Great district at Garut
Muhammad Hasbi (15/08/2016 05:01)
YANTO SURYANTO (24/08/2016 20:27)
tempat berbagai kegiatan masyarakat cisurupan, dan sebagai start awal menuju objek wisata Kawah Papandayan
Rudi I (01/02/2016 06:30)
harus dipermaks...