Komentar :
constantino toraja (15/01/2018 11:55)
Good stop for Caffee or tea, after a long trip from Makassar
Wawan Setiawan (05/01/2018 02:04)
Rest area before reaching Toraja with natural view of Virgin Mountain...
oscar munda (03/01/2018 10:49)
The best spot for Gunung Nona view.
budi prayetno (16/11/2017 06:24)
Nice spot for take a rest when you from makassar to toraja. You can enjoy a view of nona (ladies) mountain, and enjoy a cup of toraja coffe.
Suria Sulaiman (24/10/2017 15:03)
Nice view to hills and valleys.. sipping coffee and saraba with fried bananas..this road to Makale...my god..full of potholes..
Agus Setiawan (04/10/2017 03:51)
Nice view
Halim Sugandi (22/09/2017 22:30)
Great view, good coffee, decent café & price
Ade Rizaldy Bastian (13/07/2017 02:20)
Absolutely gorgeous view
sayf al hakam (28/04/2017 06:22)
Superb view
Syekhul Ikafi (21/04/2017 22:26)
Holiday in celebes
Feri Hesti Rusandy (23/03/2017 22:56)
Nice scenery, its like miss V
lois emba (30/01/2017 13:09)
Good spot to view a mountain
Frank Spandl (21/12/2016 04:58)
Great spot for a break of the long trip between Sengkang and Rantepao. Beautiful view of the "Erotic Mountain", nice food and coffee.
Eriyanti Bloemhard (11/10/2016 10:51)
Nice view n very exotic
Ahmad Taufiq (22/09/2016 12:32)
Tempat yang cocok untuk memanjakan mata, pandangan yg jauh namun indah membuat kita takjub akan nikmat tuhan menciptakan sebuah keindahan di muka bumi ini
DY P (21/07/2016 00:16)
Good view
Fryan Manullang (28/08/2016 06:16)
Gunung Nona, enrekang, Sulawesi Selatan
Johannis Rudy (27/06/2016 06:13)
Tiap kali lewat pasti mampir