Komentar :
Warisman Yudhi Syam (23/04/2018 10:10)
A good place to buy souvenirs
Marcel Marcel (11/03/2018 09:31)
Pertokoan is located in the heart of Rantepao city.
Consist of some similar shops. They sell local product such as toraja traditional bag (sepu), key chain, t-shirt with pictures about toraja, toraja snack (depatori), all about toraja handicraft, etc.
The prices is different depend on the shop, and the buyers (they give higher price for tourist especially international tourist)
Shiya Tanuki (23/09/2017 11:07)
Not that interesting.. But they sell many traditional outfits so yeah.
Adistiah Nathalini S (21/09/2017 01:50)
You can find almost anything here as souvenirs for your colleagues and relatives. They sell, t-shirts, torajan's traditional snacks, beaded necklaces and many others
Reksi Sundu (19/07/2017 06:17)
You guys can buy some toraja's souvenira in this place.
susantho te'dang (12/07/2017 12:36)
Almost all unique things about Toraja you can fine here.
Riki Belopadang (10/10/2017 06:53)
Find out many merchandise here!!
Shiya Tan (23/09/2017 11:07)
Not that interesting.. But they sell many traditional outfits so yeah.
wildan aja (09/04/2017 03:24)
Like moment
Nobe Bara (21/02/2017 12:28)
Sell Torajanese Souvenir, center of Rantepao
Arianus Parung Pamombong (04/02/2017 23:01)
Semrawut dan msh kotor... para pedagang kurang peduli kebersihan dan tertib parkir.
De Mayang (03/02/2017 05:35)
Cocok untuk berbelanja oleh2 khas Toraja. Beberapa perwakilan bus juga ada di sana. Lantai dua merupakan areal para penjahit, mulai penjahit baju adat sampai seragam dan busana lainnya.
antonia fitri Lestari (27/12/2016 07:32)
Banyak menjual oleh2 kaos, baju, kain, kue khas toraja, harga relatif mahal ketimbang di objek wisata nya
Vicky Widjaja (03/11/2016 01:30)
Many stores to buy a souvenir.
Steam BlueFroster (29/10/2016 14:01)
A clean place for a market
Nur Hidayat (21/08/2016 01:26)
Pusat perbelanjaan suvenir khas toraja
Robby Buntao (29/07/2016 02:23)
Tiap malam Minggu lokasi belakang pertokoan sangat ramai di kunjungi oleh anak mudah....kkkkkk
jepri adi (08/07/2016 08:09)
Oleh-oleh khas Toraja semua ada disini,,, lengkaplah pokoknya
the rock (04/07/2016 05:22)
Pusat oleh2 khas Toraja Utara.
Siti Ratih Mutiara (28/04/2016 03:42)
Lokasi pertokoan bersih dan rapi. Penduduk Rantepao ramah-ramah :)