Komentar :
Hery Ong (03/03/2018 09:33)
very good store. affordable price and good service
Hardy Hardy (02/09/2016 15:10)
Xiaomi products are available here.
tito dwirandana (27/08/2016 12:40)
I work here.
my wab (26/08/2016 11:57)
Liliana Pertiwi (05/08/2016 14:45)
Nice and cool!
BOS MUDA (27/05/2017 07:08)
ada xiaomi 5 rom 64gb ram 3gb dak bang? berapo hargo?
Relly Komaruzaman (05/01/2017 20:17)
Saya membeli beberapa ponsel merek Xiaomi di sini.
Levi Lestari (26/08/2016 11:57)
Lorenx1 Cell (04/08/2016 11:08)
Hello, Kepahiang Cell.
Kepahiang Cell (26/06/2016 11:58)
Toko ponsel terbaik dan terbagus di Kepahiang.
Yudi Wardana (24/06/2016 06:29)
Ini adalah toko tempat saya membeli OPPO Neo 5 yang kugunakan saat ini.