Komentar :
Izza Barakwan (26/11/2020 13:13)
Good place to buying anything you want.
Siti humairah (05/02/2020 13:03)
They did not want to take coin. Rp. 500., Rp. 100 and 200. Such a weird rules.
Dwi Andriy (27/03/2019 17:19)
Biggest supermarket in Dompu. Many tourist shop here before go to Lakey beach or hike Tambora. #shop #store #Dompu
Adam Trojan Alisyahbana (23/12/2018 06:10)
It was OK, the place was pretty clean, there's AC inside. Some people call this place a "mall" But i call it a department store because it is not that big of a place. Inside there's a place for playing mini games. The product they offer was pretty completed and pretty cheap.
Bagus Very Priyono (06/01/2018 13:15)
Good place to spend your time with family. Very recommended for shopping and having fun. The price is good and have a complete item for daily needs.
rezka tey rezka (31/03/2018 16:11)
Great depstore at dompu, buy tambora's coffe in here
Chylast (06/01/2018 13:15)
Good place to spend your time with family. Very recommended for shopping and having fun. The price is good and have a complete item for daily needs.
Ika Damayanti (27/11/2017 09:52)
The one and only big store in dompu you can find anything in this store for your kitchen
Yan Bastian Supratman (08/11/2017 16:30)
Too crowded, hot and the staffs are noisy, they talk, laugh as if they are not serious especially the man grooming
B So (08/08/2017 23:52)
A big department store in town, good place to buy groceries.
Titin Eka (07/08/2017 23:55)
Hendra Jaya (20/07/2017 00:45)
Biggest store at Dompu
teknikhendra (15/06/2017 07:28)
Not bad
Ryan Kechenk (11/06/2017 01:15)
seperti moll.. semua yg di cari pasti ada..
Adim Yuliadin (25/05/2017 07:30)
Pelayanan, penataan barang dan lahan parkir yang kurang. Pemandangan sambutan masih semrawut.
fina nofianti (15/03/2017 03:37)
Free wifi
Syahroni Yulistiara (26/02/2017 23:22)
Lengkappp utk kebutuhan sehari hari, d lengkapi fasilitas bermain anak okee
Ebby Bima (28/12/2016 03:08)
Paket Murah TEH BOTOL SOSRO Rp. 10.000,- tersedia di Bolly Dep Story Dompu
deni novian Utomo (29/10/2016 06:28)
Lumayan, mall mini di tengah kota Dompu, harga barang relatif murah dibanding toko lain, bersih dan lumayan lengkap, nyaman karena ada AC, tersedia smoking room, ada tempat makan tapi khusus makanan ringan, belum ada makanan berat, ada tempat bermain anak seperti mandi bola, latihan ketangkasan, video game, dll ada super market di lantai 1 yang melayani bungkus kado sekalian & toko pakaian yang lumayan lengkap serta tempat jahit di lantai 2. Sayangnya tempat parkir belum ada atap secara keseluruhan. Selain itu ndak ada space seperti outlet2 di mall-mall toko besar untuk disewakan kepada pihak ketiga, jadi penjual di mall ini hanya Bolly saja.
Uma Deyo (19/09/2016 12:46)
Dept. Store terbesar, terlengkap dan termurah di dompu
Tisna Pratama (06/08/2016 03:07)
Untuk supermarket di Kabupaten Dompu tempat ini cukup lengkap dengan harga yang cukup kompetitif, tersedia juga arena bermain Anak. Lokasi strategis dekat hotel Rinjani. Sangat rekomendasi berbelanja di sini. Namun saya berikan bintang 4 karena merasa parkiran nya kurang luas sehingga kurnag memadai.
NhuRoeL Syahid (08/07/2016 01:32)
Pusat perbelanjaan yg cukup mumpuni dan satu-satunya yg lumayan lengkap di kab. Dompu. kenapa lumayan? krna disini sirup ABC squash delight gak ada..
Ganis Top (25/08/2016 13:35)
Depstore terbesar di dompu.
Dhody All (19/06/2016 11:53)
Satu2nya tersedia tempat main anak2