Komentar :
ardigung (27/05/2018 06:21)
Nice hotel to stay
Alifika Anggun (05/05/2018 08:49)
Untuk service, kurang. Masih agak sebal saat di kamar ngga ada sendal hotel, ada telpon kamar tp ga ada nomor mana yg harus dihubungi (seperti nomor lobby/service lainnya), ga dikasihtau info wifi password. Sehingga udah sampe kamar harus tanya lagi wifinya mana, dan harus minta sendal. Mereka jg ga minta maaf krn sendalnya di kamar ga ada😑
Udah gitu wifi nya lemot bgt, gatau deh kenapa gitu.
Untuk kamar, kamar saya wastafelnya mampet, entah kenapa jd airnya ga ngalir. Gosok gigi di wastafel malah menggenang. Kan jijik😐
Udah gitu dinding kamar mandi kayaknya perlu di sikat lagi deh, terlihat kuning gitu.
Kalo untuk makanannya memang rasanya oke kok.
Mirza Halim (05/04/2018 04:47)
Menyewa ballrom Hotel Amantis untuk mengadakan Rapat Koordinasi Pendamping Program Keluarga Harapan. Ruangannya luas, fasilitasnya lengkap seperti proyektor, mic, sound system, meja, kursi, snack, makan siang. Cuma kadang sound system-nya agak berdengung gitu kalau tidak dipakai. Suaranya sangat mengganggu sekali. Tapi secara keseluruhan bagus kok.
dandy iqbal (30/03/2018 06:29)
This is a comfort to stay for a short trip
Ridha Maasir (19/03/2018 05:04)
Not bad. And no other option hotel in Demak
Taufik Qurrahman (07/03/2018 02:59)
Good service.. Kind peoples
Sadewo Maulana (05/02/2018 07:14)
Great meeting room, delicious food good for meeting
Enggar Kusuma Hapsari (19/11/2017 14:12)
Clean and nice place to transit
Adila Helmi (11/09/2017 11:49)
The only one nice hotel at Demak
edy wibowo (26/06/2017 03:11)
Better place than others hotel arround here
PKJ OFFICIAL (07/06/2017 15:42)
Good service, good marketting, good food
Agus Demak (20/05/2017 14:37)
Comfort and cheap hotel in Demak city. Maybe the best here.
Kunjung Sri Herlambang (18/03/2017 18:32)
Nice place, good location
Wisnu Pratomo (04/03/2017 12:51)
Kamar bersih dan layak huni
Ikhsan Muza (15/01/2017 11:48)
Good luck
Okita Tadastra (02/01/2017 16:52)
The location is quite difficult to reach. You can get there by Go-Car or bus or becak. If you go by bus, you can get the bus for Semarang-Surabaya at Terboyo bus station. You only have to pay around five until seven thousands rupiah.
In demak, you will only find two hotels. Amantis is one of them. At night, you should try their 'angkringan' menus, such as gorengan, sate bakso, ceker, and etc.
hendy yuwono (25/12/2016 07:32)
Cozy place to stay
mohamad hanefah (10/06/2016 15:13)
Good location good staff room are clean
Cholil Mc (02/08/2016 07:26)
Hotele wong Demak
Imam Khusni (21/07/2016 09:44)
nice place 😃
ahmadi ahmad (06/05/2016 03:50)
Hotel termegah di demak
T. Sijun F. Firando (26/04/2016 00:12)
Harga tdk sesuai dg fasilitas, kamar kecil perabot minim.
Jendela tertutup rapat shg kwalitas udara kurang bagus.
Eko Nurwanto (03/03/2016 09:29)
Didik Prasetiadi (03/11/2015 03:40)