Direktori Lokasi di Indonesia

Alun Alun Simpang Enam Demak

Demak, Jawa Tengah
Klasifikasi: Area Publik
Alamat: Kauman, Bintoro, Demak Sub-District, Demak Regency, Central Java 59511, Indonesia
Rating: 4.40
Jam Operasional:
Monday: Open 24 hours
Tuesday: Open 24 hours
Wednesday: Open 24 hours
Thursday: Open 24 hours
Friday: Open 24 hours
Saturday: Open 24 hours
Sunday: Open 24 hours

Komentar :

galih cahyo (21/05/2018 01:01)
This place is cleanest and have jogging track or play ground for kids, when in the morning and afternoon this place is very crowded

restu pamungkas (03/05/2018 08:45)
tempatnya lumayan

Inayatus Nurul Rissa (23/04/2018 21:49)
Best alun-alun

Sadewo Maulana (05/02/2018 07:16)
You can jogging there..
Lovely place

Ida Sulaifa (01/02/2018 14:23)
The traffic is very crowded but the popular lumpia is yummy.

Dwi Kusuma Ramdani (09/01/2018 07:56)
Good place for jogging & playing with children, the bad thing is there's alot of children that asking for money

alief fitriyanto wijaya (06/01/2018 13:56)
Nice place to visit in demak. A lot of food street here and spend your time to do ziarah in great mosque demak.

Atik Harmiyati (05/01/2018 03:06)
You can visit the great famous Demak mosque and in a walking distance you can find a good restaurant serving asem-asem

Marketing RJ Comp Jogja (22/11/2017 10:12)
Iconic places in Demak, beautifull place with great mosque "Masjid Agung Demak"

Teguh Suandi (14/10/2017 12:56)
Very well maintained, near to the one of the most historical mosque in Java. Be carefull with the ojek driver, they usually drive quite fast even in a crowded area.

cinantya putri (18/09/2017 13:26)
Very hot at summer... No playground... Lapangan yg luas...

Tian-Pao Aryanto (11/09/2017 21:06)
Best hang out place for local, visitors too

Andra Yenu (08/08/2017 02:21)
A combination of historical and religious touristm, as well as a place of community activity center

mukhammad shoim (26/07/2017 02:29)
nice place for family and jogging area in demak

Muhammad Wahyudi (06/07/2017 04:35)
One of the most popular point in town

Ian Ramsianto (03/07/2017 08:14)
Great place to spend time with your kids. The food Around is very cheap also many local sell traditional toys which is very rare in big city.

Bambang Bamb (30/06/2017 15:56)
Not much to see, just good place for get some fresh air. Not suitable for people which like quite atmosphere.

Salauddin Risyad (15/04/2017 11:42)
The legend park and area around of kerajaan demak

Deon Sampurna (25/02/2017 07:24)
For muslim people, this best place for pray to Allah.SWT

Muhammad Baharudin Jusuf (29/01/2017 02:42)
Nice place! Good food!

Haris Budi Handoko (10/12/2016 17:01)
This place changes much better than before, more comfortable, and keep on build it to be great place of demak town,

adiet wahyoe (01/12/2016 14:16)
Alun alun or Simpang Enam, is a famous landmark in Demak City.

Salsabila Fatimah (09/11/2016 04:22)
Nice but too much garbage so far

sabnawa (08/08/2016 07:42)
Asli Alun-Alun

Kharisma Rizqi Fauzi (16/07/2016 11:12)
Masjid Agung Demak

Mohamad Iqbal (10/07/2016 22:25)
Ramai sekali..

basuki rahmat (28/06/2016 17:57)
tempat bersejarah

agoes masqon (09/06/2016 05:02)
Rihlah religi

Shita Rahutomo (05/05/2016 01:13)
Panaaaas kalo siang tp kalau sore banyak makanan enak dijajakan di sini seperti bakso balungan. Segerr

Wahid Nur (25/04/2016 15:01)

Khezan Majid (10/04/2016 04:11)
Alun2 demak is very good

Tempat Lainnya :

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  2. Wahyu_bagonk
    Dukuh, Mlatiharjo, Gajah, Demak Regency, Central Java 59581, Indonesia
  3. Wawil Park GTX Circuit
    Waduk Wilalung, Area Sawah, Kalirejo, Undaan, Kabupaten Kudus, Jawa Tengah 59372, Indonesia
    ds megonten, Sawah, Megonten, Kebonagung, Kabupaten Demak, Jawa Tengah 59583, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 877-7059-7744
  5. omae kimin
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    Telp: +62 858-8315-7302
  6. taman assalam
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    Telp: +62 856-2659-994
  8. Makam Syeh Maksum Abdurrahman (Mbah Karang)
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  10. Padepokan " Bujang Ojo Sue-sue "
    Mlatiharjo, Gajah, Demak Regency, Central Java 59581, Indonesia
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