Komentar :
Wilda Nainggolan (28/02/2018 15:07)
Mau travelling dan dapetin ilmu banyak? Yuk,gabung sama kita di poltekpar medan
Banizman Zai (28/09/2017 07:02)
Enchanting Indonesia with Cultural Diversity
Amirul Mukminin (11/07/2017 13:07)
Great Memories 😉
Sembiring Max (16/06/2017 01:50)
Future is here
Rahmat Ishak (03/11/2014 09:13)
Akademi Pariwisata Medan is a state-owned institution under the ministry of tourism. This school holds a Diploma 3 program mayoring Hotel Management and Tourism Management. Every year Akpar Medan produces more than 300 gradutes and now have been working throughout Indonesia and abroad. What else can be counted on developing quality of human resources except Akpat Medan. Please join and we welcome you warmly..