Komentar :
林Fiona (27/07/2019 06:27)
Staff perlu diberi training lebih karena tidak responsif terhadap customer.
Hasil grooming bagus tapi lumayan mahal
Miss D (22/06/2019 17:44)
The pet shop is getting worse, the staff seem to not care with customer, they just sit there and talking. Not recomended to put ur dog at this pet shop for too long, two last time i here i see the dog with flea is put together with the healthy dog and they also hv cat that the dog play roughtly with the cat and they just let it. The staff adopt a cute mixed dog there only 1,5 month old, one of the staff using her leg to push the puppy until the puppy rolling a few time and look very confuse because the puppy is still so weak. Freaking upset to see how the staff treat the pet there. Sometimes the dogs pee on the floor and they just let it.
Shely Mok (19/05/2019 10:59)
Kalvin Tandian (03/02/2019 04:45)
Very good service, good quality, experienced staffs, but expensive.
Bin Di (08/06/2018 07:38)
Kurang ramah para penjaga toko, yg berduit lbh di perhatikan😏
Joko Ong (14/01/2018 03:08)
Tempat yang lengkap menjual perlengkapan hewan kesayangan saya, tempatnya nyaman dan bersih