Komentar :
Riyan Ramadhan Tambunan (02/06/2018 17:42)
Masjidnya keren, bersih. Dan nyaman lah sholat di sini
Imron Rosyidi (22/05/2018 05:27)
Masjid bandara kualanamu lokasinya dekat bandara Kualanamu Medan. Lokasinya dekat bandara sangat strategis serta mudah di jangkau dan aksesnya mudah. Masjid bersih dan nyaman. Fasilitas lengkap, tempat wudhu, toilet, serta tempat sholat yang nyaman. Masjid dengan bangunan bergaya modern.
Kno Mobile (14/03/2018 07:39)
Sangat nyaman beribadah disini ...
Putra Akhiri (01/03/2018 14:54)
Setelah Shalat Bisa Istirahat Juga...
Fajar Andika (15/02/2018 15:48)
Sangat bagus
Fadlun Maros (01/01/2018 03:23)
A place to do the Jum'at prayer in the airport. Clean toilet. Windy environment. There's a 'Pengajian' every Tuesday after Zuhur. If you're on the way out of the airport, you need to take a U turn and get back in the airport complex to reach this place. Or if you have the access, you could reach this place from the bus' parking lot.
Rizki Nugroho (13/12/2017 04:20)
Modern mosque architecture, clean bathroom and wudhu area, full air conditioned. A perfect place to do Sholat.