Komentar :
Yang Xin (30/05/2018 11:00)
Peter Yang (06/02/2018 10:01)
Offer varieties of goods which you wont find in other mart
Davin Liuz (11/05/2017 14:20)
A good place to find imported goods, and getting a quick bite
Muhammad Hafizan (10/03/2017 13:55)
A good palce for chit chat, kongkow2 and sharing...and also the foods are very cheap...
Damian Hamzah (09/12/2016 03:08)
They have a lot of imported snacks, but charging more for people having in store is ridiculous..
Jovi (08/11/2016 13:12)
nice place to hangout with friends, Good food inside despite of the unclean Cafe upstairs
Nabila Pindya (29/12/2016 13:15)
cocok untuk tempat duduk-duduk cantik
Sherwin Watson (11/11/2016 13:24)
Customers are prohibited to sit before buying stuff
Review Zone (08/11/2016 13:12)
nice place to hangout with friends, Good food inside despite of the unclean Cafe upstairs
GS Gretha Shop (25/10/2016 08:32)
Tempat ini, cocok untk belanja keperluan sehari-hari, tersedia berbagai produk luar negeri seperti produk khas Jepang dan negara lainnya. Cocok untk Anda dan keluarga atau kerabat juga bersantai di caffee ini. Tersedia caffee, buka 24 jam setiap hari. Tempat bersih, layanan terbaik.