Komentar :
adityo faturrochman (14/04/2018 10:41)
For you who meet lovers and likes to eat above 9pm,,,you should try this food,, local people call it tongseng sapi daerah batembat.. the meat was for food was fresh slice near there,,and you buy it in kilos not portion,, so asked them the price and for how many person if you order in kilos....
Feri Priyatno (30/03/2018 04:32)
Biasa aja
Adhi Nendra (25/02/2018 02:45)
Yayat Kusnadi (21/12/2017 18:41)
ya kuliner tongseng daging sapi segar memang enak.
Ainur Rofiq (08/11/2017 18:45)
Tongseng nya Mantaabbb