Komentar :
Anton Lasdianto (18/07/2020 09:11)
Helpful staff. From security, customer service to teller is friendly. Also mentioned Ms Anita as customer Service is good service.
Harry (24/11/2019 20:18)
Historical building for historical government company office.
Need more maintenance and improvement for comfortable customers.
Good enough service from the staff,
But need big attention for operating sistem, especially for send and receive packages including clear communication and explanation.
- Richard - (31/10/2018 06:11)
One Stop Service.... Good Job PT POS INDONESIA...
Can Purchase Stamps/Materai....
Send packages of goods and documents to domestic and overseas actually.... Love this service when I sent documents to our head quarter on Kuala Lumpur..
I have good experience when we sent package to KL... They promises for 4 working days will arrive at the destination... After 4 days not yet received.... I come to here and talk to the Customer Service..... And Good Job she can help and handle our problem... Finally she contact me when she got the report from representative POS Indonesia on Kuala Lumpur....
Payments for Tax... Payments for Online Shopping like Tokopedia....
Payments for monthly billing such as PLN electricity.... PDAM Water... BPJS/Social Security and BPJS Health....
I think its all everything can do it in here.... Including the opening bank account for Bank BTN Batara and or BTPN I guess....
Moving Forward In Services POS INDONESIA...
Kairul Iman (30/03/2018 07:45)
Good service
muhammad falihziya (18/04/2017 08:21)
terrible service is often be done by the teller / cs of pt.pos jl.yos sudarso cirebon .
especially when I have to send big stuff. the rate of web is not the same with the rate SHE asked. it's almost more expensive 100% .
and whenever we ask to deliver with the cheaper rate (pos biasa not pos kilat khusus), the package weight 4,2 kgs is rejected. SHE said, it is not 5 kg . so you cannot use this service. is it the rule?
AF Ashari (05/01/2017 21:05)
One of Cirebon Heritage
091 BASECAMP (29/09/2016 15:12)
Bernard Royce (13/11/2018 05:34)
untuk kantor pos, sebaiknya gedung pos lebih dirawat lg, karena termasuk gedung sejarah di cirebon.. jagan sampai hilang atau di rombak, pertahankan bentuk asli nya, dirawat lebih baik lagi.. supaya terlihat lebih bagus lebih
Joko Yuwono (26/05/2018 19:04)
Salah satu bangunan tua di daerah Cirebon yang dilindungi oleh Pemerintah Cirebon dan ditetapkan sebagai Cagar Budaya Cirebon.
Gedung ini menjadi saksi bagaimana pada waktu itu Daendels yang berhak berkuasa penuh atas pos sampai-sampai ia berencana membuat jalan yang terbentang dari Anyer sampai Panarukan. Jalan sepanjang 1.000 km ini sangat membantu dalam mempercepat pengantaran surat-surat dan paket-paket antarkota di Pulau Jawa. Jalan yang dibuat dengan metode rodi (kerja paksa) ini dikenal dengan nama Groote Postweg (Jalan Raya Pos). Dengan adanya jalan ini, perjalanan antara Provinsi Jawa Barat sampai Provinsi Jawa Timur, yang awalnya bisa memakan waktu puluhan hari, bisa ditempuh dalam jangka waktu kurang dari seminggu.
beny nurcahyo (28/02/2018 04:35)
impor barang dari luar negeri skrg sulit.
kurang teliti dlm melihat deskripsi barang... jdi misskomunikasi sy impor barang harganya dibawah 100 dollar malah harus bayar barang yg belum dateng yg harganya diatas 100 dollar
Dzikrina N A (18/07/2017 10:53)
Pelayanannya baik. Tapi buat nyari prangko filateli susah banget, karena ga update di kantor pos ini. Jam buka layanan CS dari jam 8-jam.
Ahmad Wirajaya (22/06/2017 05:42)
Kenapa saya telp tidak di angkat.
Apa sudah libur.
Yuzzie Maharto (17/12/2016 03:45)
Irlan Syah (21/08/2016 04:47)
Kantor pos
andi rama (16/08/2016 08:44)
Telepon ke kantor pos cirebon tidak diangkat.
taofik firijo (06/04/2015 03:52)
Pinjaman kredit pensiun Rizky Abadi