Komentar :
Aurelia Tw (04/02/2018 09:06)
Very recommended place for shopping n hang out.mantaaap
Casriyana Sarkiah (17/01/2018 02:11)
Coz there is a lot of fun game for child and adult. And so many food are cheap and delicious.
Fakhri Marzuqi (06/01/2018 17:22)
Many shop to visit, very clean and high standard shipping mall
٧٨ Ahmed Sharif ٧٨ (27/12/2017 09:58)
A complete family shopping and hang out center, Although it is not offering the best prices..
Harry (15/12/2017 17:56)
The next one stop shopping mall in town on project.
Opening today 15-12-2017.
Eko Arianto (05/10/2017 02:55)
Belum jadi mall nya
Ari Sihabudin (19/09/2017 04:29)
Udah jadi tah min?
ika sulistiyono (06/09/2017 16:56)
Msih dlm proses pembangunan
Buana Rullah (28/08/2017 16:26)
Yg terbaik di kota cirebon
Royan Sulaiman (12/04/2017 14:24)
Good,deket rumah
Ridha Fany (15/03/2017 00:39)
Bagus tempatnya sayangnya pada mahal