Komentar :
randy halim (13/03/2018 13:29)
Nice place with relaxing atmosphere
Jordanna Fransisco (11/03/2018 10:58)
this is the best place to refresh from our routine
hendra prasaja (19/09/2017 11:09)
Nice place to stay. Close from cimory rivwrside
Dimas Pratama (07/08/2017 08:38)
Nice atmosphere, good facilities and service. Good food. Cozy room for the price.
riva giovani (29/03/2016 22:54)
Im about to go there today for a meeting with government...
Peter (25/05/2017 12:23)
Maruli Tua Stepanus (25/03/2017 17:08)
Nice place
yasinta indira (21/03/2017 09:42)
Nice, clean, fresh environment
a riyanto (20/03/2017 13:57)
yanto aja (30/12/2016 06:47)
Tempat yg begitu penuh sensasi tuk keluarga dgn pelayanan yg ramah
Ahmad Faqih Irsyad (15/12/2016 20:53)
Lokasinya cukup bagus, pelayanan ramah dan tempat selalu rapi menjadi kelebihan wisma abdi
may yutub cenel (31/10/2016 20:30)
Cukup bagus untuk khas Bangunan Tua ditambah dengan Nuansa lingkungan yang nyaman berhadapan dengan Pusat oleh oleh Cimory
Johan Annes (09/07/2016 16:13)
nice places for family holiday