Komentar :
Aldes Aldes (04/03/2018 09:38)
Good menus and place for leisure with your colleagues
yusuf supriatna (26/01/2018 15:48)
Good space and good coffee
Yohanes Michael Chandra Agusta (25/12/2017 14:19)
It has cozy ambience and smoker friendly. There are many choices of local single origin with various manual brew techniques.
fawaid alquds (12/09/2017 15:43)
Nice Coffee nice place n nice person..
Iffatul Maula (09/08/2017 03:31)
Our fav place in Cianjur. Definitely best coffee there... but with a lot of non coffee option.
The food needs to improve...
Rikza Ramdhani (28/09/2017 09:52)
Tempat nyaman, alat seduh kopinya lengkap, tempatnya strategis, cuma pelayanannya kurang maksimal
diena cassie (09/09/2017 14:20)
Tempat ngopi paling hits n kece di cianjur kota. Tempatnya strategis. Harga kopi ya lumayan standar lah... Ini cafenya bagus jg bwt foto2
Aldi Aldi (09/07/2017 07:59)
Best coffee and cozy place in town...
robby arsy (18/06/2017 14:21)
Tempat nongkrong yang harus didatangi nih ;)