Komentar :
Devi Noviandi (26/05/2018 08:45)
There is a Hardrock Coffee 4.20 in this place make everything better and perfect.
Didik Hariyadi (23/12/2017 06:22)
Adem.. tapi suasananya ko aga serem yah..??
Fani Akhmad Raynaldi (30/11/2017 06:45)
Tempat nya yg luas bagus untuk di jadikan tempat reuni
Muhammad Zakaria (10/10/2017 22:40)
Dengan konsep yang out of the box, pondok idaman bisa menjadi venue pernikahan yang pas untuk pecinta pesta kebun dan rustic :)
oesen a (17/01/2017 14:41)
Cool place with reasonable price
Danang Ruwisayoto (10/01/2016 10:52)
The place is not well maintened. Landscape, villas and other facilities are below standard and needs a serious renovation..
dade syambas (19/10/2017 00:25)
tempatnya asri dan nyaman serta tenang
Edirohmana tea (05/09/2017 06:23)
Suananya sejuk udaranya masih murni
sekoteng singapore (30/07/2017 17:57)
Sejuk tp kumuh
Afriana Sya'ban (29/03/2017 12:31)
Kurang terawat
efredi nababan (17/07/2016 03:27)
Danang Ruwisanyoto (10/01/2016 10:52)
The place is not well maintened. Landscape, villas and other facilities are below standard and needs a serious renovation..